Hello DevClub!

Arpan Mangal
Devclub IITD
Published in
4 min readJun 19, 2018

DevClub was born out of the need to have technical face of IIT Delhi along with its cultural side. It was started by the endeavours by two second year IIT Delhi students in the year of 2016 who felt the dire need of a technical community and took initiative to start one themselves. The club aims at increasing the popularity of technical culture which was lacking but is happily growing since the past year owing to the efforts of the club.

Computer Science has been one of the most rapidly advancing area and our college is well recognised among the top technical institutes of India. The club just takes it to a whole new level by giving rise to applied Computer Science.

We started by calling together all the like minded people who were crazy to learn something new and build a cool product which could be used by the masses. We forged a community, which mind it, is not a easy task to do when doing it for the first time when you have absolutely no recognition. The efforts gave rise to a community of 13 people who could collaboratively work to shape the future of IIT Delhi’s technical face. The community came in existence in March 2017, and though not being an official club, the motivation and enthusiasm of its members kept it alive.

We went through many different stages, learning through mistakes and finding our own way. Nobody to tell us the way, nobody to guide us except the community itself. Many calamities came and went, being at verge of closing down at multiple times. We were confronted with not only technical problems as one would expect but with administrative issues, internal problems, lack of motivation and what not. But we thrived. We thrived for those young minds who will enter IIT Delhi and say the tech here is shit, we thrived for the need of the community and we thrived for the future of IIT Delhi.

The younger members of the club undertook various projects, being guided by the senior members of the club, to learn about new technology, apply it practically and build something which could be then used by the masses of IIT Delhi. Some of the projects became highly successful being used till date, while some remained in development, and some had to be put in a box in hope of reviving it someday in future.

One of our success was the well known Study Portal a.k.a. “Citadel”, which became the one point stop of all the students during the exams and, well, of the “maggus” at other times 😝 . It’s a crowd contributed platform where people could upload any study material like notes, books, lectures, question papers and what nots, and anybody could download and use it. Sharing notes was never so easy, Citadel made it practical.

Another recent project was a best gift which could be ever be given to members of our IITD family who will be leaving us this year — the “YearBook. We made making a cool yearbook practical, smooth and hassle free. Making a yearbook was never as easy as filling a simple form.

Several projects remain in development like our FileSend, Omegle and many to be made public projects, which are not yet ready for the end user, and needs more development, refinement and fine tuning.

The club is based on team model consisting of small independent teams for various projects. The team interacts on various platforms like Slack and meets when required. We hold weekly or bi-weekly meetings for the club to discuss problems and projects, and future steps and agenda to follow.

We have come a long way since the inception and have grown considerably. We have started gaining recognition among IITD folks along with ours products getting popularly used. We have even started getting number of project proposals be it from various other clubs of IITD, for various fests like Rendezvous and Tryst, from professors, from various startups and other private organisations. We are also happy to announce that we will soon be an official club of IITD under CAIC and will grow and expand till our work is being used by every single user of the IITD community and even beyond.

Currently we are a strong team with 21 members, continually growing and evolving to represent the face of IITD tech, training new people and taking the baton forward. We hope that when we revisit our home after 10 years down the line we see a completely different college society which we left behind.

Our motto is to learn and evolve together.

That's all folks! If you have anything to say do drop us a mail at contact@devclub.in. We would love to hear from you.

Thanks Team DevClub

