Why not use machine learning in Africa

Dominic Imbuga
Published in
4 min readJan 15, 2021

Machine learning is a remarkable technology in the field of artificial intelligence. Even in its earliest uses, machine learning has already improved our daily lives and the future..

This month is a historic month in my 5 years as an entrepreneur and software engineer: We introduced an ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE [AI] resume screener and chatbot to manage recruitment on Talanta https://talanta.netlify.app

Right now it is only getting started, but over time you are going to be amazed at what it can do!

Machine learning is among best innovations Africa can leverage and it is really amazing on how you can keep on making it better and better. I have learnt one important thing , that we don't need to be satisfied with what we have achieved, we need to keep on dreaming more and keep on improving so that we can make our initiatives the best there is and at the same time making the life of people we are serving better than before.

From the already available databases to learn from , machine learning can enable us build intelligent computer systems using statistical techniques to take all that data and utilize it.

Organization will understand their employees more and not be responsive but proactive enabling huge employee retention and businesses too will understand their customers more intimately and not just be responsive but proactive, resulting to huge customer retention .

Africa got to use this remarkable technology to help solve the most acute challenges that we face as a society. In this article I would like to share the various applications of machine learning that Africa can leverage and how useful it's for the people.

Capture, prioritize and route service request to correct employee and improve response times.

A busy government organization like Kenya has a lot of service requests on an annual basis .Machine learning can help capture incoming services request to route them to the right employee in real time , to refine prioritization and improve response time . It doesn’t have to take weeks or months to get a document from government offices, we can reduce this time and save more with machine learning.

Businesses can Identify the next best action for the customer .

Real time insights that incorporate Machine learning tools such as sentiment analysis can help organization assess the likelihood of a deal closing or the level of customer loyalty.Personalized-tailored recommendations powered by machine learning can engage and delight customers with information and offers that are relevant to them.

Enable personally-tailored , real time mobile banking experience with chatbots

You have likely experienced this when you call a customer service number with money payment systems issues 🙄.

Machine learning can be used to intercept and handle common , straight forward issues through chat and messaging services , so customers can quickly and independently resolve simple issues that would have required human intervention .

With the chatbot a customer can simply type a question and the bot engages to surface the answer. This chatbot powered machine learning can help improve customer service experience for organizations.

Recommend next best action for individual care plans

Providing universal health coverage to guarantee quality and affordable health care to Kenyans is an agenda on the "Big 4" -National Economic Transformation agenda which seek to achieve a better quality life for all Kenyans by 2022, to accelerate a process like this Machine learning can be used.

We are already digitizing health ,this massive digitization of patients data via systems like Electronic Medical Records (EMR) in hospitals and Electronic Health Records (EHRs) say at NHIF, Machine learning can be used to help build effective individual health care plans.

Automate the recognition of disease

Trained physicians can only review and evaluate a limited volume of patients or patient images in our health institutions , images like X-rays and sonograms takes time to review and analyze, Machine learning can be used to spot the diseases , hence reducing physical burnt out.

For example Google has trained a deep learning model to detect cancer and Stanford researchers have used machine learning models to diagnose skin cancer. This should inspire us to put first things first and innovate more in those important areas. Health is important! And if something is important you do it .

Machine learning is a modern innovation that has enhanced many industrial and professional processes as well as our daily lives. It’s a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) - aTechnology that if well used can have a huge impact on our continental development. See, technology is like a horse you don’t compete with you ride it!

Let's ride ML Africa.

