On to the 3rd!
We are making great strides and we can count our third meet up as one of them. Yeah, we got our swag on!! Finally! And oh look how ready we were.
As most of you are aware, our June meet up didn’t happen and I’d like to apologize again.
We had to organize a few things here and there and so we had to push it to July. Despite that, July’s meet up was uber awesome! If you haven’t already worn your DevC Nairobi T-Shirt, you most likely didn’t attend the meet-up.. 😏 So guess what? This article is for you! You are welcome. 😃
Good thing is, we still have some T-Shirts remaining and we left them in good hands at iHub. Simply drop us an email at devc-team@nairobi.us with the subject Missed T-Shirt and we will put in a request for you to get one. Sounds good?
Alright, moving right ahead, I present to you the speakers of the day. But, first, what was on the table?
✔️ Redux
✔️ Rabbit (no, he did not come to perform 😂)
✔️ And the Mini Bar Camp.
But before that, we had the usual drill, Check in! and oh the early birds!
So introducing Tonida Baraza who shared with us on Redux, What it is, Why use Redux and How to use Redux. Redux is a state container for Javascript apps. It is a concept of data storing and communication within an application. “It helps you write applications that behave consistently, run in different environments (client, server, and native), and are easy to test.” Might be hard to grasp but not to worry, She will be doing a mini-series on Redux, just to expound on it and make sure we’re well versed with it. You can find her presentation here and get acquainted so that your boat isn’t stuck on the bay, rather, that you can get on with the Redux flow when she continues on the series. 😊
Next up, was Clement Habinshuti presenting on RabbitMQ. RabbitMQ is an open source message broker. In simpler terms, RabbitMQ is used to receive messages from programs, queue them up, and send them to other programs. These messages may be commands, or contain important data. Clement demonstrated how RabbitMQ works and we really camped on this subject.
We have a recording of the live feed here and you could try get a glimpse of what was discussed. Clements Presentation is available here, and the source code can be found on this link.
The Mini BarCamp!
This is where we have someone talk about anything random and educative but falling in the development bracket.
We had a talk from Tekwane Mwendwa, Founder of Asilimia, on Make Mpesa Free. Interesting..right? Mpesa Transaction fees are a pain to everyone and this led Tekwane to start Asilimia to work towards making Mpesa free of transaction costs to Mpesa users. Asilimia advocates for Ease. Freedom & Value. If you’d like to touch base with Tekwane, feel free to drop him an email on tekwane@asilimia.co.ke Or you can get onto Asilimia by Invite only on http://asilimia.co.ke/
He shared his hilarious story on what led him to start Asilimia, and you know what they say, a funny story cannot be re-told(I came up with that haha)is there something like re-told? Anyway…I wish i could tell it here…but hey..this is why you ought not miss our meet-ups, it’s a lot more fun than this article 😜
Due to time not being on our side, we only had Tekwane speak, but we will have more speakers on the Mini BarCamp next time, so come ready to learn.
Here are some pictures on the meet up. We had some games..ok not really…call them fun breaks, good food and good people as always.
Our Next Meet Up is set for the 4th of August. We shall share more details on our Official Facebook Group. If you haven’t joined us…please do so here, we’d love to have you. Follow us on Twitter @DevCNairobi and get onto our GitHub page.
Right, thank you for everyone who came to our meet up, it’s always a pleasure! These two gentlemen look good for a sign out! 😎 See you soon!