The Power of IT Outsourcing Partnerships: Why Businesses Are Better Together

DevCom — We do IT together
DevCom Blog
Published in
4 min readApr 18, 2022


If we talk about our new reality in the time of the COVID-19 crisis and the fact that companies remain remote as the coronavirus pandemic wears on — and plenty have no plans to return to the office, outsourcing wins.

According to Marc Benioff, the CEO of Salesforce, the new currency of successful firms is their functioning speed, which is another reason why outsourcing is more relevant than ever. The geographical location of the IT department no longer plays any role. Developers can now work from anywhere.

With many moving into cloud services, remote development, and maintenance, the future of IT outsourcing is once again changing to meet the needs of global businesses. So what do modern enterprises look for? They search for long-term partners who can handle all of their needs with reliable, secure, and affordable IT services. They want all the benefits of an in-house IT department. Simultaneously, more and more often, businesses chose vendors based on the value of provided services, high-level customer support, reliability, and team dedication, rather than their bottom-line cost.

DevCom is currently filling this role. More than twenty years of business experience has shown that outsourcing is more than just delegating IT tasks to an anonymous team. When done right, traditional outsourcing can transform into a strategic partnership where two companies enter into a symbiotic relationship where they support each other’s growth.


In an ideal Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), when a piece of code is ready and passed over to the customer, we hope he gets all the benefits he can only imagine. The development team is happy about the results, thrilling of upcoming projects. Every button is working as expected; therefore, technically, the customer should be satisfied. But what if the customer is upset with team communication, or there is no emotional match between parties?

In the real-world, DevCom has an answer — it’s above-and-beyond customer service we offer.

Our customer relations team aims to provide a customer service experience different from — and better than — what everyone might expect.

When it comes to customer service, we shift the focus from product to personality. Changing the approach to customer-oriented gives us a deep understanding of needs and expectations. Imagine, DevCom’s customer service representative is driving a car with a business fellow traveler. It’s an excellent opportunity to:

● Listen: There is no need to stress how important it is to ask, hear, and listen. We think there is a difference, meaning to pay attention, understand, and respond appropriately.

● Find the solution: The customer service representative is keen to comprehend how quickly he can assist. Having good visibility of context can present a solution a minute away.

● Escalate if needed: Sometimes a hand would be useful in place to provide better results. At the same time, we are checking for other possible options always.

● Keep the conversation going: We update customers with progress. This way, he is confident professionals are working to improve the experience.

Besides, remember that the DevCom service representative is driving in the same car with the customer


DevCom’s goal is to develop such a strong emotional engagement between the company and its customer that they will not consider working with any other vendor, even if they have an option.

Regardless of seniority, DevCom encourages customer service personnel to think on their feet and apply common sense to satisfy the partner. In short, DevCom gives autonomy to customer service to do the job at the highest standard. Here are five steps on how we implement a customer-oriented strategy within the company.

1. We work with people who care: We recruit customer-friendly people with empathy, good communication, and problem-solving abilities.

2. We treat our employees well: How our employees feel at work has a much more significant impact on how they deal with customers than any training will. That’s why we treat everyone with honesty and respect.

3. We empower our staff: Our customer support team has the authority to resolve most customer complaints. Plus, our support staff is empowered to suggest management changes that would benefit customers in the long run.

4. We lead by example: The entire leadership and management team fully embraces a customer orientation approach. This way, our team feels comfortable implementing a customer-oriented strategy.

5. We make changes: Since customer needs are always changing, we talk about what they need and want. Customer support is a unique position to do this. Our customer support team feels for what they are upset about and what changes can be made.

Companies need predictable quality of the software — and that’s something only a strategic IT partnership can deliver. For us, genuine success means having a more predictable process, happier customers, and technical excellence — is, above all else. With this vision, most of our partners work with us for 2–19 years, and over 85% of our new customers are referrals.

We invite you to enjoy the ride and to create a fruitful experience trip with DevCom! Contact us to start the conversation about how DevCom can partner with your company to achieve your innovation and digital transformation business initiatives.

Written by: Viktoria Ivanusa, Customer Support Manager at DevCom



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