What You Missed at the DevCongress Meetup for April 2017

Claude Ayitey
Published in
3 min readApr 9, 2017

Last year, DevCongress meetups began. Over the past few months, we have met periodically to meet up, have fun, talk about tech, ourselves, and to grow the community. Last Saturday was one of such beautiful experiences. DevCongress was created to empower developers, technically, socially, wholly.

Owing to this, we help ourselves to get better, by encouraging developers amongst ourselves to present on topics that are familiar to them; sometimes, it’s even topics they themselves have just started learning. And that’s how we get better; apart from the banter we usually have in the Slack channel — always lit! Aww, yeah!

Now to Saturday. David Oddoye led the pack with his talk on JAMstack — erm, not the jam you have in the kitchen but something similarly sweet. With JavaScript ruling the (web) languages world, it’s just apt that there be architectures to build apps/sites mainly on JavaScript front-end. There’s more on the JAMStack website, but you could always hit up David to answer more questions on it, via Twitter or in the Slack group.

Here’s his presentation:

Then there was a break, for the doughnuts from… wait for it… wait for it … doughman! Oh, and there was JAM on the donuts! You know how we do! 😉

The second presentation of the day was delivered by Mrs. Wendy Smith; a more relational than technical talk, on Communication. The silence in the room could be likened to looking for that missing semi-colon hidden on line 5829. Anyway, it was a great talk that helped developers understand how to present information to clients, understand the client’s point of view, and generally how to communicate with people when you’re mostly technical. Oh, and Wendy’s a web developer, so she could understand all our deepest woes of communication.

Wendy Smith, presenting on Communication at the DevCongress Meetup, April 2017

So we had a 3-or-so minute break before the last session of the day. It was probably the most lively session, and generated a lot of discussion too. w3w and Geolocation by Saviour Gidi was an eye-opener to how what3words works, and how developers can take advantage (GitHub code) of that to work with geolocation and addressing.

Here are Saviour’s slides too. Enjoy!


Oh, and there was a SnooCode developer in there so we had different insights into the whole location thing, with several answers and suggestions as to how this could relate to digital addressing systems in Ghana, etc.

Saviour enlightening the group on w3w and Geolocation

Whew! Then there was a final pizza-dougnuts-frutelli break, which ended the very interactive meetup. All together, it was fun. And there were pictures after!

Sincere thanks to iSpace. It was great to have them come along as a venue sponsor to this meetup, and we had some in-house sponsors within the group as well. This year will be all sorts of awesome! With the feedback we keep getting, look forward to a great time as we prep developers all across Ghana for something better! Oh, and look forward to reading more about DevCongress and developers in Ghana on the Medium blog.

Happy thinking, happy hacking!

Originally published at gharage.



Claude Ayitey

I work on UX/UI, studied Computer Science, loved software enough to attend @MESTGhana and helped found @DevCongress. I play the piano. Also founded @BoughtSpot.