Weekly digest #1

Wojciech Trawiński
Published in
2 min readMay 10, 2024
Photo by Robert Lukeman on Unsplash

Hey there, fellow developers! 👋

Grab a cup of coffee ☕, settle in, and let’s dive into the exciting world of tech together! 🌍

Module Federation 2.0

Exciting news! Module Federation 2.0 is here, bringing a host of powerful new features to supercharge our frontend development. 🌟

This blog post dives into the enhancements, from the sleek new documentation site to the game-changing flexibility in module loading and cross-tool sharing.

Check it out here 👇

Unified Control State Change Events in Angular

Exciting news for Angular developers! 📣 The latest Angular v18.0.0 introduces a game-changing feature: the events property on AbstractControl. 🎉

This powerful addition allows you to easily track changes in control state, including value, pristine state, touch status, and control status, all through a single observable. 🔍

Check it out here 👇

CSS Cascade

🔍 Want to level up your CSS skills and understand how styles are resolved? This blog post by Amelia Wattenberger dives deep into the CSS Cascade, explaining the core concepts in a visual and easy-to-follow way.

📈 Mastering the cascade will help you write more efficient and maintainable stylesheets, avoiding specificity battles and !important overrides.

Check it out here 👇


Raycast is a game-changing productivity tool that brings all your favorite utilities together in one sleek, extendable launcher. ⚡️

The best part? You can now build your own rich, native Raycast extensions using familiar web technologies like React, TypeScript, and Node. 🛠️

Check it out here 👇

Conquering Imposter Syndrome

Feeling like an imposter despite your accomplishments? You’re not alone. This insightful blog post reveals the key to conquering imposter syndrome — taking action! 💪

By focusing on hands-on problem-solving and gaining real-world experience, we can prove our capabilities to ourselves and combat self-doubt. 🌟

Check it out here 👇

I hope you found something that sparked your curiosity and inspired you to dive deeper into the fascinating world of technology. 🥳

Remember, learning is a lifelong journey, and every new piece of knowledge brings you one step closer to mastering your craft. 🚀

Until next time, happy exploring! 🌠

