Weekly digest #3

Wojciech Trawiński
Published in
2 min readMay 19, 2024
Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

Hey there, fellow developers! 👋

Grab a cup of coffee ☕, settle in, and let’s dive into the exciting world of tech together! 🌍

Skillfully Using Signals in Angular — Selected Hints for Professional Use

🔍 Dive into the world of Angular Signals and learn how to skillfully use this powerful reactive mechanism in your projects.

😎 This insightful blog post by Manfred Steyer provides practical tips and best practices for leveraging Signals effectively, setting you up for success in the era of Angular renaissance.

Check it out here 👇

Micro Frontends

🔍 Discover how micro frontends can revolutionize our development process by breaking down complex frontend monoliths into manageable pieces.

🚀 This blog post dives deep into the benefits, implementation options, and a detailed example application, showcasing how this architecture boosts team efficiency and independence.

Check it out here 👇

CSS :has() Interactive Guide

🔍 Dive into the world of CSS :has() with this interactive guide that showcases its power and versatility!

🌟 From logical operators to real-world use cases like file downloads and empty state handling, this article has it all. You’ll learn how to analyze :has() selectors and apply them effectively in your projects.

Check it out here 👇


🔍 Discover how Feedly can revolutionize the way you stay updated with the latest in tech and industry trends.

🚀 This tool allows you to follow all your favorite sources, newsletters, and Google News feeds in one place, making it easier to stay organized and save time.

Check it out here 👇

10 lessons from 12 years at Google

🔍 Dive into the wisdom of 12 years at Google with this insightful blog post. Discover 10 key lessons that can transform your approach to work and leadership.

🚀 From embracing lifelong learning to fostering collaboration, these lessons are a must-read for every software engineer looking to grow and make an impact.

Check it out here 👇

I hope you found something that sparked your curiosity and inspired you to dive deeper into the fascinating world of technology. 🥳

Remember, learning is a lifelong journey, and every new piece of knowledge brings you one step closer to mastering your craft. 🚀

Until next time, happy exploring! 🌠

