Weekly digest #5

Wojciech Trawiński
Published in
2 min readJun 2, 2024
Photo by Dawid Zawiła on Unsplash

Hey there, fellow developers! 👩‍💻👨‍💻

Grab favourite beverage ☕🥤, get comfortable 🏖️, and let’s dive into the exciting world of software development! 🌍

Template local variables with @let in Angular

🔍 Discover a powerful Angular feature that can simplify your templates and make your code more expressive: template local variables with @let.

🌟 This blog post explores how @let can help you create reusable template logic, reduce duplication, and make your templates more readable.

credits: Enea Jahollari

Check it out here 👇

Enhancing Angular’s Route Redirection Logic: Introducing RedirectFunction

🔍 Discover how Angular’s new RedirectFunction can revolutionize our routing logic by offering dynamic redirects and enhanced control over route parameters and data.

🚀 This blog post dives deep into the innovative features and practical applications of RedirectFunction, making our development process more efficient and versatile.

credits: Netanel Basal

Check it out here 👇

CSS color-scheme-dependent colors with light-dark()

Exciting news for CSS enthusiasts! The latest article on web.dev unveils the game-changing light-dark() function from CSS Color Module Level 5. 🎨

This powerful tool allows us to effortlessly adapt our designs to light and dark color schemes, streamlining our code and enhancing the user experience. 😎

credits: Bramus!

Check it out here 👇


I’ve recently stumbled upon an incredible platform that can revolutionize how you automate tasks and integrate apps. 🤖💡

Make offers a user-friendly, no-code solution for creating powerful workflows across 1000+ apps, saving us countless hours of manual work. ⏰💪

Check it out here 👇

Stretch yourself from time to time

Ready to unlock your full potential and experience transformative growth? 🔓💡

This insightful blog post challenges us to step out of our comfort zones and embrace the magic that awaits beyond the familiar. 🌟

credits: Addy Osmani

Check it out here 👇

I hope you found something that sparked your curiosity and inspired you to dive deeper into the fascinating world of technology. 🥳

Remember, learning is a lifelong journey, and every new piece of knowledge brings you one step closer to mastering your craft. 🚀

Until next time, happy exploring! 🌠

