20 Essential Data Science Concepts for Novices

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3 min readOct 20, 2023


Data science is a cutting-edge subject that enables people and businesses to extract insightful knowledge from data. Here are 20 fundamental ideas for data science beginners that will help you build a strong foundation for your knowledge:

  1. Data: The fundamental component of data science is data itself. Data is the starting point for analysis and may be in many different formats, including text, photos, statistics, and sensor data.
  2. Dataset: A dataset is a collection of structured data that is divided into rows and columns. Each column denotes a characteristic or attribute of a particular data point, whereas each row denotes a single data point.
  3. Descriptive Statistics: You may summarize and comprehend your data with the aid of descriptive statistics. The mean (average), median (middle value), and standard deviation (a measure of variability) are important metrics.
  4. Inferential Statistics: Based on a sample of data, inferential statistics let you draw conclusions or predictions about a wider population. This includes confidence intervals and hypothesis testing.
  5. Data Cleaning: To make sure your dataset is reliable, data cleaning entails finding and fixing mistakes, missing numbers, and inconsistencies.
  6. Data visualization: Data visualization uses graphs and charts to graphically portray data. Data patterns and trends may be found using visualizations.
  7. Exploratory data analysis (EDA) is a method for extensively examining data to find patterns, anomalies, and possible connections. It’s often done before developing predictive models.
  8. The process of choosing, altering, or developing new features from your data to enhance the performance of machine learning models is known as feature engineering.
  9. Machine Learning: A branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that focuses on developing algorithms that can learn from data and make predictions or judgments.
  10. Supervised Learning: In supervised learning, models are trained on data that has been labeled and where the result is known in order to generate predictions on fresh, untainted data.
  11. Unsupervised learning, which is used to find hidden patterns or groups within the data, employs unlabeled data.
  12. The objective of the supervised learning task known as classification is to group data into predetermined groups or categories.
  13. Regression is a supervised learning problem that seeks to predict a continuous numerical variable, such as the temperature or cost of housing.
  14. Clustering, an unsupervised learning activity, is used to put comparable data points together depending on how close or far off they are from one another.
  15. Overfitting and underfitting are frequent problems in machine learning (15). Underfitting refers to a model that is too simple, while overfitting refers to a model that fits the training data too closely.
  16. Cross-validation is a method for evaluating a model’s performance that involves dividing the data into several groups for training and testing.
  17. Bias and Variance: Bias refers to mistakes in a model that result from excessively simple assumptions, whereas variance describes errors that result from a model’s sensitivity to changes in the training data.
  18. Feature Importance: It’s critical to determine which attributes have the most influence on model predictions. This is assisted by methods like feature significance or feature selection.
  19. The performance of classification models is assessed using a variety of measures, including accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score.
  20. Big Data, is the term used to describe very vast and intricate datasets that need for specific tools and methods for archiving, processing, and analysis.

As you begin your data science journey, these fundamental ideas will provide you a solid foundation. You will acquire the abilities and information necessary to address actual data difficulties and make data-driven choices as you go further into each of these subjects.




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