6 NLP Techniques Every Data Scientist Should Know

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3 min readNov 1, 2023


A branch of artificial intelligence called “Natural Language Processing” (NLP) focuses on how computers and human language interact. Textual data is widely available nowadays, thus NLP has become a crucial ability for data scientists. Every data scientist should be knowledgeable with the following six fundamental NLP techniques:

1. Tokenization

Tokenization is the process of dividing text into tokens, which are single words, phrases, or symbols. Because it serves as the foundation for several later tasks including text analysis, sentiment analysis, and machine translation, this method is crucial to NLP. Tokenization may be as basic as dividing text into spaces or it can be more complicated, taking special characters and punctuation into account.

2. Stop word Removal:

Common words like “the,” “and,” “is,” and “in” that often appear in big quantities but convey little useful information are known as “stopwords” in NLP. A significant preprocessing step to minimize noise in text data and make it more manageable for analysis is the removal of stopwords. Stopword lists for many languages are specified by libraries like NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit).

3. Lemmatization and Stemming:

Lemmatization and stemming are methods for reducing words to their root or fundamental form. This procedure assists in combining similar terms and lowering text data dimensionality. While lemmatization uses more complex linguistic procedures to reach the base form (e.g., “better” becomes “good”), stemming includes eliminating prefixes or suffixes to achieve the root form (for example, “running” becomes “run”).

4. Named Entity Recognition (NER)

NER is a method for locating and categorizing named entities (such as names of individuals, groups, places, dates, and more) in text. Sentiment analysis, document classification, and information extraction all depend on NER. Entities in many languages and topics may be identified using advanced NER models.

5. Word Embeddings

Techniques used to represent words in a vector space include Word2Vec, GloVe, and FastText. By capturing the semantic connections between words in these representations, text context and meaning may be understood by machines. A variety of NLP activities, such as sentiment analysis, document categorization, and machine translation, require word embeddings.

6.Sentiment Analysis:

Finding the sentiment or emotional tone represented in a text is the goal of sentiment analysis, commonly referred to as opinion mining. It divides text into positive, negative, and neutral categories. Sentiment analysis has uses in brand reputation management, social media monitoring, and analysis of consumer reviews.


Just the tip of the iceberg in the field of natural language processing are these six NLP approaches. It’s important to keep up with the most recent developments in the area as data scientists continue to investigate and create new NLP models and techniques. Mastering these fundamental methods is a great place to start for anybody wishing to deal with textual data and use the power of language in data science initiatives. NLP is a vibrant and developing field of study.




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