The DeveLearn Mission

Akshat Kadam
Published in
3 min readFeb 18, 2021

What we’re doing to help people adapt to the upcoming career revolution

India & the AI Revolution

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution has disrupted many industries and changed the rules that had dictated the job market for decades. It presents and opportunity to complement human expertise to enrich the way we work and live. However, wide-spread adoption of these emerging technologies is set to permanently change the nature of human labor and hence, India has a significant stake in this revolution owing to its massive labor-driven workforce.

“As physical labor was replaced by machines, mental labor will eventually be replaced by AI” — Andrew Yang

This quote magically encapsulates, both the promise of AI and the negative press associated behind the fears of automation. We won’t get into that debate here, but believe that as AI evolves to increase our productivity in orders that will render many job roles redundant, newer roles will emerge that demand their own skill sets and our success as a nation(as a race even..) will be contingent on how efficiently we are able to restructure and re-skill our labor force to adapt to these changes. How soon can we change the minds that machines will soon replace, into the minds that will run those same machines?

To realize this adaptation, India needs institutions in place to effectively re-skill our existing workforce & groom the next generation in the technologies that will help them find niches and develop careers for themselves.

Companies are now more aware of how to identify real skills in a candidate that comes not from a great degree, but the work put behind cultivating an accountable portfolio of skills. Kaggle & Hackerrank are among the biggest platforms supporting candidates in this endeavor.

Reclaiming the Ed in Ed-Tech

The current Ed-Tech explosion has given us many brands pushing the boundaries of online education. But we still have much ground to cover before this quality is made accessible and palatable to students of all strata. Hence, another aspect of our mission is to bring this education to students with barriers beyond distance and finances.

Though India has achieved an impressive rate of internet penetration and quality education is within reach to most of its potential workforce, we are seeing that it is somehow insufficient in reaching our largest student base, i.e. the kids within the public education system. These students still heavily rely on their educators to teach and even mentor them. Despite smartphones steadily reaching their pockets, it may be another generation till they are able to effectively use digital infrastructure; time we may not have and delays that can be avoided by swift intervention today.

In 2019, over 35 million students enrolled into undergraduate programs across India. In an industry whose needs evolve every few years, how can we ensure these students become competent in the next 4 years?

Hence, our biggest mission is to be a platform to educate today’s students for their futures and also the teachers to secure the future of tomorrow’s students. Towards this, we are mobilizing educators to come together and solve these accessibility & mentoring issues. The broader scope of this mission goes beyond our core approach of preparing Data Engineers & Scientists. It touches on making everyone more employable, in a world where the yardstick for employability is about to drastically change.

When we think of academic and professional excellence in the Indian context, we often fall prey to the bias that there is enough talent to pick from in any industry. However, the availability of a good talent pool blinds us to the fact that we aren’t doing enough to raise the level of the majority of students that graduate every year. In 2019, over 35 million students enrolled into undergraduate programs across India. In an industry whose needs evolve every few years, how can we ensure these students become competent in the next 4 years?

We’ll be using this space to share & break down some of the best works that academia and industry have achieved over the years that will continue to be relevant in the years to come. These will range from works in AI and Open-Source creations that have been instrumental in some of the world’s most exciting applications.

Watch this space for further updates on our work.



Akshat Kadam

Building NextCampus. I write about AI, Education, Tech Management & Startups