Why change the educational system?

Daniel Baron
Develop Your Education
3 min readNov 2, 2016

I came across Paul Thomson’s YouTube channel and thanks to his super positive vibe and video about his career change from being a teacher to joining a startup he made me think. He just started out with YouTube and so I thought I could start out with my own fun project as well, being this publication.
He struck my nerve there, which actually made me start writing. I have been discussing the educational system for months now, online and with friends and former teachers. It is time to sum it all up and get more feedback.

Not long ago, I came across that YouTube video from Prince Ea called “I just sued the school system”:

He points out that many day-to-day things like phones and cars have changed, but the school system stayed the same. It did not develop any further, featuring new teaching techniques or individualized lessons. Additionally, he points out that students are not like each other, but totally different and that every student is treated the same, making them fit into a one-for-all role. But have a look on your own and make up your mind on this for yourself.

This was only one of the many points I got in touch with education which made me think “We actually need to change something!”

Late last year, I was contacted by my former German teacher to help a student teacher with some technical lessons about photography and audio editing in eight grade. I loved it! And the students loved it, as well.
It was a lot of fun to teach them something useful, something practical. Something that they could use in their everyday life (especially for taking selfies…)
I really enjoyed standing in front of the class and tell them mathematical things (when they did not even know it was mathematics).

This was another point in time when I thought “Well, why doesn’t it work that way all the time? Why not change this system for the better?”

My personal motivation is to help people understand the world a bit better. By taking advantage of their personal interests and abilities.

Like I said in the previous article, I spoke to a few students who are currently suffering from several things, one being the school system in Germany. I managed to give advice to get themselves started to change something in their lives:

  • One of them had a talk with her parents and teachers to manage and stop the ongoing bullying she suffered from in school.
  • Someone else enjoyed talking to me about the uncertainty after school, not knowing where to go, what path to follow. If studying will take him somewhere or if starting to work right away was the better choice. I gave some advice who to ask and where to go, leaving all the options to him.
  • A few other just wanted someone who listens and want their problems to be heard. Being in love for the first time, struggling with parents…

I love giving tips and tell stories I experienced on my own. Showing people possible directions they could go to is a fun thing to do. Try it yourself!

Be the change that you wish to see in the world. — Mahatma Gandhi

(I usually started my essays in school with a quote, pretty interesting I end them with quotes today.)



Daniel Baron
Develop Your Education

Developing #WordPress, #Laravel and #Vuejs tightly coupled with #InDesign #CEP. Giving talks about #webtoprint #workflows.