Importance of Self Development and Personal Growth

Ayush Kumar Sharma
Develop Your Self
Published in
5 min readApr 10, 2021
Personal Growth and Self Development is very important in the life to become successful.

Every successful people works on their further personal growth and development. Despite being at the peak of their careers, they still take time out of their busy schedules to push themselves endlessly out of their comfort zone and unleash more of their inner potential.

What is personal growth?

Personal growth is an ongoing process. It is a process of spiritual, physical, social, and spiritual growth that lasts a lifetime. It starts from an early age without knowing, shaped by parents, teachers, and the environment. But, to make it more effective, you need to become aware of the process.

There are endless possibilities in personal growth. As you continue to grow, you will be leaving on an extraordinary and meaningful path in life.

Importance of Self Development and Personal Growth

Self Development helps a person to build great relationships, be self aware, to know more about the field in which you are working, and increases your confidence.

Your relationships with others improve

When you improve yourself, people are naturally drawn to you and your relationships you already have with others also improve. The people you attract are more likely to be better for you. You attract people who are at your level. So when you start raising your level, the people who come into your life are going to be at your higher level.

You learn new things

A major component of personal development is education, learning, and knowledge. You can not only learn new skills and knowledge and education, but you also learn about yourself, about others, and the world and humanity. You learn about different viewpoints, values, beliefs.

You are better able to adapt to change

When you embrace, accept, and seek change for yourself and your life, you’re better at accepting and adjusting to unexpected or out of your control change whether good or bad or the change you made yourself from your personal development.

With a strong foundation, you’re more likely to be happy and satisfied with your achievements, or you’re better able to deal with any of the anxiety and negative emotions that may arise.

You’re able to make decisions and solve problems better

Personal development is meant to help you live more effectively. This helps you become better able at making better sound decisions. It will help you more effectively solve any problems that arise.

You’re more likely to have financial and career success

Personal development affects all areas of your life and can be applied to the financial and career area of your life, you’re more inclined to achieve success in that area.

Enhance Strengths

Self-improvement helps you identify your strengths. From careers to relationships — knowing your strengths is important for every sphere of your life.

It gives you a greater knowledge of what you are seeking and where you are likely to grow and excel. It helps you set life goals and make them happen.

By nurturing and playing on your strengths, you are more likely to attain success and move towards shaping a happier and more productive life.

Overcome Weaknesses

While identifying strengths is an important aspect of self-improvement, so is coming to terms with your weaknesses. Don’t be embarrassed by them, look at them as areas of improvement. We all have strengths and weaknesses that shape our personalities.

The goal of improving yourself should be to look beyond those weaknesses that are stopping you from achieving greatness. Accept your weaknesses, find their root, and be determined to overcome them.

It’s not easy but it’s certainly not impossible. Let your journey of self-improvement turn every weakness into a strength and only take you upward.

Step out of Comfort Zone

The ‘comfort zone is a risky place to be in. It feels good, but it also means stagnancy and where there is stagnancy, you can never find growth.

Choosing to work on improving yourself needs you to step out of your comfort zone. It makes you face your fears, try new things, take risks and challenge yourself. You will discover a new side of your personality.

The fact that you tried should motivate you to never get satisfied and too comfortable in familiar spaces because as they say, life begins outside your comfort zone.

Improve Mental Health

One of the biggest importance of self-improvement is the positive impact it has on mental health. When you work on yourself, you get to know yourself better which lets you deal with your thoughts and emotions more effectively. You begin to understand why you are feeling certain emotions and learn how to tackle them with time.

Introduce a Learning Attitude

People who are invested in their constant self-improvement come with an extremely positive attitude towards learning. They are aware of their weaknesses and are open to receiving feedback to improve.

Rather than being ignorant and escaping from their problems, they make it a point to learn from their mistakes to grow and succeed.

This is a great quality to have as having a learning attitude helps achieve success.

How Do You Learn Personal Growth?

Books are the best way to improve yourself in this competitive world.

There are many books, articles, workshops, and coaches teaching personal growth. You can find all the information you need by searching for it on the internet.

There are many techniques for personal growth, such as creative visualization, repeating affirmations, developing a positive mindset, and meditation. Personal growth also involves counseling, coaching, and reading.

A very simple and useful method for personal growth is to look at your behavior and your life with an open and unbiased mind. This will show you what changes you need to make in yourself and your life.

Looking at how people behave and act can also help you. In this way, you can recognize positive and negative traits of character and become aware, whether you possess or lack them, and in this way, learn what you need to improve in you.

People are different from one another, and what works for one, might not work for another. This means that you must explore the various techniques and ways for personal growth to find what is suitable for you.



Ayush Kumar Sharma
Develop Your Self

Hi, I am from India. I am a Commerce student. I love Digital Marketing and Copywriting, so that’s what I am learning.