Some notable Twitter threads regarding how to work effectively

Kelley Griggs
Developed For Scale
1 min readJun 5, 2018

Often times, I’ll pick up some exceptionally great Twitter wisdom only to lose it among tons of other retweets over time. Here are just a few threads on work, fundraising, and entrepreneurship that I’ve read again and again over the past year.

Naval: How to Get Rich (without getting lucky):

*This one is new and honestly one of my favorites. Naval has a treasure chest worth of wisdom to share anyway, but I like one of the responses to this thread comparing his advice to Desiderata.

Suhail: Let’s Talk About Fundraising:

Steven Sinofsky: Writing is Thinking:

Josh Wolfe: Why Do Some People Become Entrepreneurs?:

Chris Coyier: It’s About 100 Times More Important What You Build Than How You Build It:

Nadia Eghbal: Not Being Afraid to Cold Email:

Pieter Levels: A Free MBA in Five Minutes:

Ryan Hoover: Y-Combinator Interviewing Tips:

Do you have any that I can add? I’d love to grow my small collection.



Kelley Griggs
Developed For Scale

Cofounder, @Pronghorn Software. Cofounder, @southernalpha.