My 2018 Year in Review: Exploring Limits

Samuel Stephen
Developer Circle Abuja
3 min readJan 21, 2019

Just when everyone was done with 2018! BOOM! I remembered there was a need to write about my review……..

Best Caption wins a thousand smileys!

2018 was a year of many disruptions for me, I made a decision to be part of the Community Building advocates to help build a vibrant Tech ecosystem and on a very modest note…I can say To Teach Is To Learn Twice

Retro….. 👩🏾‍💻

Last year, for many reasons, I decided it was time for me to quit writing codes and engage fully in Startups development and build more meaningful business partnerships as well share my experience during my programming journey. I started outsourcing with community advocates and started engaging in meetups, co-organize and host meetups at different locations within Nigeria (For some personal reasons, I didn’t want plan on traveling outside the country). From January to December I roughly counted about 35 meetups I participated in ranging from technical to Non-technical meetups all across the country.

I treasure all the moments!


Still continued in my freelance world, though I partnered with and also consulted for some indigenous organizations and startups. Some were for pro-bono but on a general note, most of the times I was mobile and always working remotely.

With Zane Holt (Developer Programs Manager EMEA) and Hanson Johnson (Google Country Mentor, Nigeria)

Speaking & Community 🎤

Developer and Startups Summit Lagos

One of the highlights of the year was getting to meet with community leads from Sub-Saharan Africa for the Facebook Leadership Summit,

With Robert John (GDE) and Fidel (GitLab)

Finally, I mentored beginners and shared experience, helped co-launch communities and startups as well.

Travel ✈️

The best part of speaking at conferences is being able to travel to and experience places. This year, I got to visit 14 states across the nation…

This exclusive smile is dedicated to Africa

Reading 📖

Although I generally don’t read a lot, I read a handful of really interesting and impactful books this year. My top 3 were:

  • “The art of not giving a Fuck” by Mark Manson
  • “Born a Crime” by Trevor Noah
  • “Who Moved my cheese” by Spencer Johnson

I spent time visiting the Cinema for premiers like with my top 2 favorites

  • Bumblebee
  • Aquaman

What about 2018?

I’m always excited for the new year, but 2019 should be particularly interesting. My goals for next year are mainly to continue on the path I took this year. With speaking, I want to continue giving talks on more interesting and challenging topics. With life, I want to travel more and experience new countries.

BTW! I’m ready to settle down with a Life Partner, and I’m gonna change my dress code



Samuel Stephen
Developer Circle Abuja

Business Developer | Startup Growth Manager | Food lover | Traveller | A Lover of the Gospel | Developer Communities