
Moureen Caroline
Developer Circle Kampala
2 min readOct 31, 2019

Where would Devs be without open source ,hmm i wonder about the possibilities every single day, interestingly most aspiring developers and the developers in the market would be loners ,Imagine yourself “developer” fighting with your bugs without any help like stackoverflow,Reddit, and e.t.c.

I was invited by a friend to attend Hacktoberfest, I had no clue what that meant at tall but since the name sounded weirdly familiar i was curious enough to consider being an adventurous lady I was like let’s do this.I tell you this I wasn’t disappointed there was so much to learn from different technologies; 4ir, inclusiveness and other factors affecting the developer community at the end of the day I felt like had got what I subscribed for.

As I write, I believe a few developers have an idea of what open source is all about and the majority have benefited from it.Open source is where awareness and adoption of building the bridge between open source communities of practice as the saying goes, practice makes perfect so devs let’s it bring on.

So here I am having no idea of what open source is all about and how I can benefit from it then I was told that Hacktoberfest has got several projects on GitHub in different languages where anyone can contribute to. So another question pops in head and am like How can one contribute ??? We were given a challenge which runs every year between 1st to 31st october it was all about having made 4 Pull requests on 2 particular GitHub projects which I successfully managed to accomplish.

Jadamoureen’s Hacktoberfest profile

Hacktoberfest is an interesting site which grants freedom to developers or students learning to code the freedom to learn,collaborate and Infrastructures as well as driving growth of open source to make positive contributions towards an ever-growing community.

This doesn’t really mean that it’s the end of contributions, as I earlier mentioned Hacktober has got several projects on Github in a couple languages that one can contribute towards.

Open Source Software grants all the rights to use, study, change and share the software in modified and unmodified form. Software freedom is very essential to enabling community development of open source software.

So fellow developers let’s be apart of this move…as we enjoy code.Pull requests can be made to any public repo on GitHub as long as one is in line with the project.

“Open source technology is the movement of changing the world we live in.”

Big thanks to Facebook Developer Circles, Digital Ocean and the entire team for making this possible.

For more information visit their site : https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com/



Moureen Caroline
Developer Circle Kampala

👨‍💻Software Dev | Data science MLOps| Co-Lead Meta Developer Circles KLA| Co-Team Women Techmakers KLA | Mentor @WTMKampala | @coding_mindset | @andela_alc