Dev [ X ] UNZA

What went down at Developer Circle Lusaka’s meetup

Joshua Chipile
Developer Circle Lusaka
4 min readOct 28, 2018


The morning started out at the University of Zambia. Developer Circle Lusaka Community had an opportunity to showcase and talk about Facebook Developer Lusaka. Impressive to see how many future developers attended the meetup. Everybody all in their brightly colored blue shirts. Let not forget with 90+ attendance.

Dev [ X ]
Brightly colored blue shirts

Cynthia Mulenga (Co-Lead) gave an Introduction to What Developer is Circle, Purpose and about the purpose of Dev [ X ] Meet Up.

Developer Circle Program — Cynthia Mulenga

First Session:

Olivier — Where Declarative Programming Meets Functional Programming

What’s Dev [ X ] without talking about programming. Who else to do it better than the React Evangelist Olivier. Prior to his talk, I had a few minutes chat and he spoke about the new features coming to react and how he enjoyed the React Conf.

His spoke about Where Declarative Programming Meets Functional Programming and gave a short demo.

Second session:

Panel Discussion — How to Grow As A Developer To Build Quality Software.

“As a student work for free”

Third Session:

Lukonga Lindunda — Synergies between software development & startups/businesses Background on Bongohive.

It’s great to talk whenever Lukonga speaks. His talk gave a good understanding of how developers and startups could we work together. How the two can bridge the gap solve problems. He encouraged the Students to think outside the box and How the can solve a problem using technology.

“People don’t know you until you solve a problem”

Lunchtime 🍟 🍹

Emoji Cup Cakes

Fully refreshed and energized. Food courtesy of Developer Circle Lusaka, now we are ready to listen to more awesome talks by our speakers 😃

Fourth Session :

Lee Lwendo — A practical introduction to Distributed Systems Architecture For Software that Scales.

Lee Lwendo of Developer Circle member gave a great talk about Distributed Systems Architecture for Software Development. His also gave a demo of the Streaming Application his building that is using Distributed Systems Architecture. I must say I was was impressed 👏 Never seen anybody explain such a concept with ease — great work.

Micro-Services guru

Firth Session :

Sambwah Chipungu — How to Boost Your skill and increase your value as a Developer.

It’s great to code and develop applications but how do you boost your skill and increase your value? Sambwah gave key points on to grow. To every developer out their wish you had the opportunity to listen to this talk. 🙌

“The way to get ahead,is to get started”

Firth Session :

Mary Chipita — Information System Auditing — The Basis

Software Development not only about 1’s and 0’s. It also doesn’t involve look at the code in text editor . Their is a different sections within development. Mary Chipita gave the students a different look at Development with focus on Information System Auditing. What is involved , Why is it needed and How different organization could use somebody with such as skill set.

Information System Auditing — The Basis

Great to see other women in technology who are passionate.

Alumanda sharing her knowledge
Co-lead Pendo Manjele

Good to see more women in technology giving more talks and share at these events. Technology has no gender. I hope these inspire the next future developers through their talk and the ability to share their knowledge. Am sure all the students and Dev C members that attended the event were able to pick up few gems.

What’s an event without a group photo 📷

Dev [ X ] 📷

Overall this was a great event, with an attendance of 90+ with all genders present A huge kudos to all the Facebook Leads 🙌. Not forgetting everybody that made the event a successful . To all the UNZA students that participated in Dev [ X ] Meet Up you are all the real MVP’S. Can’t wait to be at the next Developer Circle Lusaka Zambia Meet up.

Be sure to follow Developer Circle Lusaka Zambia on social media platforms.



Joshua Chipile
Developer Circle Lusaka

Software Developers Advocate||Software Engineer /Software Developer|| Technical Write || Trainer || OSCA- Lusaka - Lead