DevC Closes— Thank you, Meta, for Empowering us to Build Communities Through Developer Circles!

The journey is only 1% finished

Pendo Manjele
Developer Circle Lusaka
5 min readJun 3, 2023


In a recent development, Meta has taken the decision to close the Developer Circles (DevC) program. Effectively putting an end to the thriving global communities that have played a pivotal role in fostering a vibrant community of developers.

When I first heard the news of Meta closing the DevC program, I experienced a mix of emotions. Despite all, I cannot help but feel grateful for the invaluable experience of being part of an exceptional community of developers.

Developer Circles (DevC) was a community-driven initiative by Meta designed to bring developers together and provide them with a platform to connect, learn, and collaborate.

From 2017 to 2022, I had the opportunity to co-lead the Developer Circle in Lusaka with Mbuyu and Cynthia. Together, we fostered a thriving community, and I am immensely grateful for the experience. In 2022, we passed on the leadership to Chomba, Mwansa and Blessed, who continued to do an exceptional job until the closure of the community on May 30th, 2023.

I want to express my deep gratitude to all the members of DevC Lusaka. Your dedication made a lasting impact and contributed to the growth and success of Developer Circle Lusaka.

Highlights from the Lifetime of Developer Circle Lusaka

Looking back through the rearview mirror, here are the highlights of what we had achieved during the lifetime of Developer Circle Lusaka.

The 4.2K members were the driving force behind the impact we made. Together, we accomplished a great deal.

“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.”

Success Stories

Throughout the journey of DevC Lusaka, our community has celebrated remarkable achievements. Here are some of the notable wins:

  1. Emerging as Winners in Hackathons

2. Training Scholarships — DevC provided valuable training scholarships to individuals, enabling them to enhance their knowledge and techniccal skills.

3. Full Sponsorship to F8 — Meta’s Annual Developer Conference: Some of our community members were privileged to receive full sponsorship to attend F8, Meta’s prestigious annual developer conference.

3. Developer Circle Lusaka Recognition and Awards

4. Championing Gender Diversity — We proudly celebrated and championed gender diversity by organising exclusive events for women in tech to create a supportive and inclusive environment that empowers women and promotes equality in tech.

On a Personal Note

I am immensely grateful for the impact that DevC Lusaka community has had on my career and personal growth. Thanks to the Training Scholarships provided by Meta, I was fortunate to be selected as one of the recipients of the Datacamp Data Science Scholarships. This opportunity enabled me to successfully transition my career into the field of Data Science.
I also had the privilege of attending F8, Facebook’s Annual Developer Conference, not just once but twice in 2018 and 2019. It was truly a dream come true. These experiences opened doors for me that I had previously only imagined.

“Connection is why we’re here; it is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.”

The DevC Lusaka community has not only enriched my professional journey but has also provided me with a platform to create meaningful relationships. I have connected with like-minded individuals not just within my local tech community but also across the globe through Developer Circles. Today, I am grateful to have friends from various corners of the world, all united through our shared passion for technology.

More Gratitude

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to:

1. Mbuyu and Cynthia: Through Developer Circles Lusaka, we have become friends, and I am truly grateful for your unwavering support.

2. Chomba, Mwansa, and Blessed: Your leadership and commitment to upholding the spirit of DevC with excellence has been inspiring.

3. The Meta Team: Jennifer Fong and Angeline Angeline Capati, your energy and passion for the community made a lasting impact. Thank you for being our biggest cheer leaders. Thank you for your unwavering support until the very end.

Ps: Thank you for always ensuring that we had the front-row seats at F8, and the adventure. It was such a fun experience.

4. The team at BongoHive: This journey would not have been possible without you. Thank you for providing us with a platform for our meetups and your continuous support of the community. Bongohive has truly been the bedrock of our community.

5. A heartfelt thank you to all our partners who have been unwavering in their support throughout this journey.

6. Last but not least, a heartfelt appreciation goes out to the real MVPs, the 4.2K members of our community. Each one of you has contributed to making Developer Circle Lusaka a vibrant and thriving community. Without your active participation and enthusiasm, there would be no community at all.

Looking forward

As our journey continues, I want to inform you that we are migrating the community to another group which you can join here.

Let’s keep the spirit of collaboration and growth alive as we embark on the next chapter together.

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Pendo Manjele
Developer Circle Lusaka

Doing Data Science & passionate about helping people get into Data Science.