Facebook Developer Circles Sub-Saharan Leads Summit—Arrival

Cynthia Mulenga M.
Developer Circle Lusaka
3 min readDec 17, 2018
Team Ubuntu

It all started with three sleepy looking nerds namely Cynthia Mulenga, Mbuyu Makayi and Pendo Manjele waiting for a flight to Nairobi from Lusaka. These nerds where contemplating on how amazing the week ahead would be with the amazing fellow leads they were about to meet.

Waiting for a 2am Flight at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport Lusaka

In Nairobi, another amigo joined the crew. The beautiful Suya Queen (Tadzoka Pswarayi). Wondering what Suya is? Continue reading this story and you will soon find out. So, what was i saying???

Oh yes, three turned into 4 sleepy amigos who now traveled from Nairobi to Lagos. The flight seemed so long, thanks to the excitement that was building up in anticipation for the activities that awaited them in Nigeria.


You would think they would take time off to rest after waiting for 4hrs to do immigration and visa clearance, but no. Upon arrival at the Ikoyi Sun Hotel, they just freshened up and went to business.

Team Ubuntu preparing for their presentation next day

But wait, I gave my word to enlighten those who do not know what Suya is. See the black plastic on the table?? Yes, the one next to the headsets, Suya resided in there. No, let's take a peek.


This spicy package of meat mixed with raw cabbage and onions made one of the amigos forget about her diet of stopping meat. Yes, it was that good! And……one of them got so into the Suya that she danced every time Suya was bought or merely mentioned.

Due to the new discovery of the amazing Suya by Ubuntu team, thanks to johnotu who introduced them to it, a journey was made in the middle of the night hunting for more.

Preparation of Suya

This made Team Ubuntu so full that they later failed to stomach the dinner that was waiting for them at the Hotel. If you want more details on the Suya, ask the Suya Queen. She has many more tales on it.

Day of arrival in Nigeria for the 3 amigos ended a good note, despite them missing one member they forgot to pack in one of their suitcases (Joseph Tembo).

Wait!! Before you close this page, I have a secret to share…..come closer…closer…

Stay tuned for Day 1 of Facebook Developer Circles Sub-Saharan Africa Leads Summit!!!!



Cynthia Mulenga M.
Developer Circle Lusaka

Coffee Lover |Tech Enthusiast| Back-end Developer|Mentor : Asikana Network|Facebook Developer Circle:Lusaka Co-Lead