How To Grow Within A Tech Community As A Software Developer

Joshua Chipile
Developer Circle Lusaka
5 min readNov 2, 2018
Courtesy of 3 inc

Tech communities are a safe haven for all people that are interested Technology (Software Development and it’s Ecosystem). This where different Programming languages come together under one roof, where different databases could sit at the same table (No pun intended).

ForLoop Zambia Community

Communities are intended to help people grow ! But are people really growing?

Are You Really Growing?

Communities are intended to help people grow ! But are people really growing? Do people that come for the tech Meetups really grow after attending Several Meet Up’s or do they remain the same regular developers? Are people joining communities cause of the name, are developers showing up for Meetups for the free stickers, t-shirt, food or goodies.

You would really think developers are collecting these items like they where infinity stones, proper term to use “Collectors”. Do people really come to learn? Find out more on the next Dragon Ball Z (Ok I really wanted to use this line ).

Trust me I have to be that place where I would go for every Meetup and still not see any change. I remained stagnant with no change to show forth, only a couple of stickers and free t-shirts in the closet that showed. If you not growing as a developer, you are most likened to a dead tree.

Courtesy of Gardernerdy

Tips on growth as Developer

Here are few tips to know whether you as a developer are growing — on the road to becoming a 10x developer or Unicorn or just being average.

1: Don’t Be The Quiet Guy:

Don’t be the quiet guy that attends every meet up without asking any questions or interacting with other like mind developers. Have something to share with colleagues during the lunch break. How do you intend to grow if you quiet guy that never says anything?

2: Don’t Procrastinate:

After the Tech Meet Up what do you do when you reach home? Do you go back to being your regular self or do you start working on something? Procrastination is the killer of all dreams and ambitions. I have attended several meet up and interacted with several people each time we talk I learn something and once I get home, I try it out, to further my understanding.

3: Be Ready To Learn

Always be ready to learn as a developer. Technology is always changing every year, month , week & day. Be ready to learn something new and trying it out before you go back to the programming language you love. Take for instance I come from background of Python Programming language. I have created websites using Django Python framework, used Pandas, Matplot for Data analysis. All I knew was python — knew other languages but my number one choice was Python.

After attending a meet up from Developer Circle Lusaka and ForLoop Zambia, I decided to learn a new language Javascript through the Nestjs framework. Here is a link to my tutorial (Restaurant app). Learning a new technology has being great experience, I have unlocked a new achievement or acquired a new skill set.

4: Starting Is The Hardest Part

“In Journey of a thousand miles, the first step is the greatest” — Chines Proverb.

Starting is usually the most difficult part. After the meetup, we either get fired up to start on a project or we just return home and be our regular developer selves. How do we grow? Well, start from somewhere, if it means writing a medium article start. If it means learning a new language start. But many say they have a lot of work and their lives are always busy — well truth be told everyone is always busy.

If you could spend 25–30 minutes of your time learning, writing, pushing code every day, in no time will you become a great developer

“In Journey of a thousand miles, the first step is the greatest” — Chines Proverb.

In your journey as a software developer starts with you focusing on becoming a better developer.

5: Share your knowledge

After learning and starting on a new project what next you may ask? Well, share what you have learned or working on. Trust me no grows without sharing what they have learned. How will you know if you have grown if you are unable to share your new skillset?

You may say “I can’t share anything yet cause am still learning”, well share the little it, who knows the little challenge you faced while creating the app or while learning could help the next developer.

They are several ways or platforms you could use of share you have learn. You could share your project on GitHub (open source), share within your Developer Communities at the next meet up and use platforms such as Medium, where you can share short articles like this one.

6: Hackathons

Hackathons are another way to help you grow as a developer. Most Hackathons require the developer to use their skill sets to solve an issue or problem. This could be an opportunity to use newly acquired knowledge for the particular Hackathon.

Don’t be the guy, girl, or that individual that joins a team to watch fellow developers do the work without contributing. Be the individual that is able to contribute, trust me contribution is very KEY.

7: Have Fun

As you grow as a developer you may face obstacles, you may conquer few bugs, may achieve new skills or even level up to being Senior Developer, have fun. The best advice I learned during CodeBus Africa sessions was to “HAVE FUN”. If you love what you are doing the journey becomes easier.

Go ahead and start growing as a developer. Join your local Developer Community whether it being Forloop Zambia or Facebook Developer Circle Lusaka and Agro Community. Write an article, share your code on Github and participate in a Hackathon. Don’t be a Collector.

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Thanks for reading.



Joshua Chipile
Developer Circle Lusaka

Software Developers Advocate||Software Engineer /Software Developer|| Technical Write || Trainer || GDG Co-Lead || OSC Co-Lead