Women @DevC Fireside Chat with Dalitso Kasonde

Pendo Manjele
Developer Circle Lusaka
2 min readMar 4, 2022

Tell us your story as a woman in technology

I am Dalitso and I am passionate about Tech4Good. I am inclined towards building digital solutions that have a positive impact on people and the community.

Right now, I am also very curious and excited about robotics.

How did you get into tech?

In 2014 I enrolled in the Microsoft International Computer Driving License (ICDL), which sparked my interest in Computer science. I later enrolled at DMI St Eugene University for a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science.

What Are your tech super powers?

My tech superpowers are building sustainable tech solutions using javascript and flutter.

What are you learning right now?

I am learning how to market an app and DevOps.

What has been an unexpected challenge along the way?

So many bugs all the time! You squash one, they multiply!

On the other hand, the non-technical struggle has been the imposter syndrome. I feel like I am not doing enough and this can be daunting.

What do you want other women and girls to know about being in tech?

Share your journey and story, be vocal about the work you do. Being the minority in tech as women, we need to be intentional about advocacy to encourage and inspire more women and the next generation.

What’s the best career advice you’ve ever received?

Do what you enjoy!

How has the Meta Developer Circle impacted you?

The Developer Circle Community has significantly influenced my growth and career positively.

Through the Community, I have landed several opportunities in tech.

Fun Fact about you

I love listening to podcasts and reading books.

image credit: growing life

Thank you for reading Dalitso’s Story!

You can connect with Dalitso on the following platforms…

  1. LinkedIn
  2. Github
  3. Facebook
  4. Twitter

