Women @DevC Fireside Chat with Kutemba Kakoma

Pendo Manjele
Developer Circle Lusaka
3 min readJul 17, 2022

Tell us your story as a woman in technology

My experience as a “Woman in Tech” has been quite positive and rewarding despite the Tech Industry being predominantly male.

Looking at where we are coming from and comparing it to now, the industry has evolved to attract and retain more women. In addition, there are communities and networks dedicated to supporting women as they navigate their tech journey and now more than ever, progressive organizations are eager to hire talented women in tech to ensure gender parity.

A personal experience

To zoom in on a more personal experience, I do question whether I possess the skills needed in this industry or not.

Imposter syndrome is loosely defined as doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud. It disproportionately affects high-achieving people, who find it difficult to accept their accomplishments.

How did you get into tech?

First of all, computer science was not my first choice.

I enrolled at the University of Zambia (UNZA) -School of Natural Sciences to pursue a career in Human Biology. At that time, I did not know about the programs available in Technology until my second semester at UNZA, when I had the opportunity to attend a robotics workshop. The experience at the Robotics Workshop was intriguing, and this is when I decided to transition to a career in Tech, Software-Engineering to be specific.

What Are your tech super powers?

Being a Woman in Tech is a superpower.

Additionally, I am a quick learner and can grasp concepts easily.

What are you learning right now?

I am currently advancing my skills in the following areas:

▪ Programming with PHP, and Javascript at Microsoft learn

▪ Entrepreneurship lessons via online classrooms.

What has been an unexpected challenge along the way?

My unexpected challenge has been staying focused and prioritizing. I find learning a lot at once, and this doesn’t help me achieve my learning objective and I get frustrated in the end.

At times, I feel like I know nothing, I do not fit in, and I am behind.

What do you want other women and young girls to know about being a woman in tech?


With the Tech industry being notoriously male dominated, you will encounter challenges. You may have to go harder and work twice as hard to be listened to or taken seriously, But LEAN IN!

Girl, get up, dress up and show up regardless of your gender!

Be open about the struggles that you face, you will be astonished by how many others are experiencing or have experienced the same struggles and are willing to support you.

How has the Meta Developer Circle impacted you?

The Meta Developer Circle has given me unlimited exposure and access to learning, networking, and job opportunities.

What’s the best career advice you’ve ever received??

“You can do anything you put your mind to. ANYTHING!”

Fun fact about you

I love writing stories and articles

Thank you for reading Kutemba’s story.

You can connect with Kutemba on the following platforms…

  1. LinkedIn
  2. Facebook
  3. Instagram

