Do we care? Yes we care!

2 min readJan 14, 2014


Maintaining the production applications after the great release is always a serious issue. If the application you had developed crashed down, you would pay by losing your customers trust. It doesn’t sound good, right?
There are several reasons why the project goes wrong:

1. server crash or overload;

2. application bug;

3. server hijack etc.

Our aim is to help customers if any of these bugs occur. We're using Errbit to collect the errors from applications of our customers.

Errbit is an Open­Source solution for error tracking and error retention. Errbit gives ability for integration into our Redmine so managers can easily report to developers team. Moreover we have just created a “Bundle” proudly named RedexpertsErrbitBundle . It helps Errbit to integrate with Symfony2 projects.

That’s why we are first to know when some part of the application is not responding. It doesn't matter what is the reason. We can act faster and help our customers to minimize the losses caused by application downtime.
The Case:

Our customer asked administrators to check his dedicated server security after the production deploy.
The Problem:

Server start acting wired after administrators intervention.
The Solution:

Our Errbit tracked some issues that MySQL database is not responding from time to time. The error was happening randomly. So we were able to notify our customer about the crash just before the great lunch. Luckily our customer avoided PR problems.
Bug Happens...

Our developers are only humans (with supernatural powers but still humans) so from time to time bug happens. Fortunately we can track errors more easily, we have more additional info from the Errbit exception report. This extra feedback helps us to work faster and create new deploy version with bug fixed.

So :

if there is a thought that bothers you,

if you are worried about the stability of your project.

you are horrified by the idea of employment of new programmers and issuing some extra money,

we will save your savings. Just because we care!

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