How to Select a Front-End Framework?

Ben Cheng
Developer Notes
Published in
1 min readSep 1, 2018

There are so many famous front-end frameworks you can select for new project. It would completely affect productivity of your team.

How would you select a front end framework for your new project?

  • Angular
  • React
  • Ember
  • Vue
  • Extjs

Common Feature

Common feature of these framework

  • Two-Way Binding
  • Dynamic Rendering / Templating
  • Reusable Component
  • Http Client
  • State Routing and Management
  • Error Handling

Please correct me if you found wrong


For me, I would try to select one which most developers in my team just think it may be good. I do not think wasting too much time can help your project. I think “Maybe do something wrong” is better than nothing.

The most importance is no one know which selection is correct.



Ben Cheng
Developer Notes

A developer in Hong Kong. Learning and rethinking as a developer. Welcome to contact me and make friend with me. Cooperation is welcome.