Remove autoplay video on your Twitter news feed

Abhilash L R
Developer Paradise
Published in
1 min readDec 14, 2015

Ever wondered if there is a way to stop media like pics or videos being displayed on your twitter news feed when you browse on your Chrome? And the worst of all, the videos auto play themselves. On the mobile app, there are settings to stop the videos from being auto played, while on the web there isn’t one.

So this is a nice hack that @ajfisher shared with me on Twitter.

Well, here’s how you do it:

  1. Go to and install the addon to your Chrome browser.
  2. After you have added the addon, navigate to your twitter news feed.
  3. Click on the addon on your browser toolbar and pick “Write styles for twitter”
  4. “Add style” section opens up, in which there is a code editor area where you can add CSS styles (Section).
  5. Copy paste the following CSS code into that Code editor:

div.AdaptiveMedia { display: none !important;
} * div.AdaptiveMedia { display: block !important;

Enter a name for the code style and hit save. Refreshing your twitter news feed should now disable all media, but once you click on any media tweet, you will still be able to view the media content. This should have been a twitter in-build setting.

Thanks @ajfisher for the git page.




Abhilash L R
Developer Paradise

Loves to travel, writes about programming, photography, life lessons and sometimes cooking