The Things You Must Know as Fresh Graduate

Welcome back to my medium! It’s me Vivy. I’ve asked in my Instagram account about what kind of the things that always make us as fresh graduate feels insecure or too scared to start the new journey as an employee in their dream company.


I’ve graduated in January 2020 and per February 2020, I got a job as a product analyst in If you don’t, It’s one of e-commerce in Indonesia which is owned by PT Global Digital Niaga, a subsidiary of Djarum Group. “RESPECT” is our DNA. So proud to be a part of this company.

For this post, I won’t tell you about my story that how the way I joined Blibli (it’ll be on my next post). I just want to say how am I as fresh graduate prepare myself to work in the company as an employee. Here we go!


This is can be a big question for you, an undergraduate student. What you would be for your next career?


It was my big question on my third or fourth semester.

I thought about what kind of related job to my passion. I felt like I must know my career road map because I am just the girl that always set the target on my campus life
(Ga mau rugi soalnya. UKT mahal haha).

I’ve tried to find it and the Product Manager is my choice.

How can I found the Product Manager role?


I always try and learn everything that has given to me.

I joined the group band in my first semester. Singing is my hobby but I don’t want to be a singer. After that, I tried to be MC for some workshops on my campus. I love to be MC but once again, I think I don’t want to be MC because I’m a computer science student and I want to work on the job that using my IT skills (It depends on you guys but for me, I’ve struggled in the campus. I don’t know how much I said to my mom that I want to move to another field hahaha). To read more about my experiences on campus, you can read my previous story.
When I’ve been the MC for the workshops, My seniors and my friends know that my communication skill is good enough (they saw me as MC). That’s why they asked me to join their projects and their teams as the project manager.

It’s never been wrong if you do all the things that given to you but you must remember this: you must do it the opportunities with seriously and always trying to do your best. You’ll never know what will happen in the future(Is it will bring you to your dream job or not). I believe when you can do the small things, another one will give you the bigger things and it’ll worth it.

I always make many mistakes but lucky am I. I always got the team and the people that always make me feel like “It’s okay to be wrong or not okay because it’s a learning process”.

It’s been a long journey until I met my seniors and they recommend me to the job named “Product Manager”.

It’s all about “the process”.


Don’t worry if you don’t know what’s your dream job. It needs a process. The things that you must be thinking is “always learning and never stop”. It’s like the baby that learns to walk. Everything can’t be instant and can’t be easy to get.

You just trying to define your dream job (not now, but by the learning process, it will be defined (at the right time) based on all of your experiences). Just thinking about what kind of skills that do you have or the things that you can call it your passion.


Everyone has their dream and with a lot of effort, you will get it. Just believe in me:)


If you feel like “Minder”, I ever felt like that.

“Some peoples ever told me that my dream is too high. To be PM is not easy and so on and so on~~~~”.

I cried and felt down.

BUT because of any supports from my mom, dad, and my best friends, I tried to forget about what negative sentences that came to me and try to focus on what can I do next. It’s okay to cry, but after that, you must prepare yourself more! Show to them that you also can get your dream.

Like my motto: Do the best what you can do. Do it with love and love what you do. Gbu.


If you had decided what your dream job, try to understand how the way you can get it. Let me help you to define it.


When you want to apply for a job, you must send your resume(CV) to the company. Before you send your CV, you must make sure that you can put your experience(related to your dream job) that you can tell on it, right?

Example: To be a product manager,

a. I learned about the process from online courses first and read the books/articles related to products. If you confuse like what kind of things that you must read, you can search for the requirements of your dream job in some companies and try to learn it.

b. After that, I joined some workshops related to PM to know the basic things. From the workshops, I can meet the PM and discuss the things that they felt as a PM in the real life and what kind of things that I must learn.

c. Next, I tried to join the organization/community that can help me to learn as much as possible. You can make a team and create your products. Self/paid/campus projects can help you to know the process (meskipun abal-abal, gapapa. setidaknya kamu belajar dan pengetahuanmu terus bertambah)

d. For the next step, I want to know how PM’s life in a real company. So, I applied as a PM intern.

If you have prepared your self, try to apply it to the HRD or company web. You can apply the job for some companies if you felt like not confident that you’ll be accepted. It’s okay and it’s a normal thing. Everyone does it Kok. After that, Don’t forget to prepare yourself for the interview session.
(Jangan lupa minta restu orang tua and berdoa ya).
Good luck!


Many people told me like:

I am afraid that I would be rejected. There are so many people that more clever than me, what should I do?

Hey man. God has given you the same capacity of the brain and all of us have the same time (1 day = 24 hours). If you think that they have more skills than you, you must learn more than them and making sure you can be at the same level or you can more than them. It depends on your mindset.

Just think about what’s the unique value that makes the companies must get you as one of their companies. Just do it and stop to think the negative things. just believe in your self and always try until you got it.


If you got your dream job, that means that you can stop learning? OF COURSE NOT. You start it from zero again. Remember that all of the employees in your company are the best resources that have been accepted. If you are a new employee, you must know all the culture, workflow, the products that you must handle, etc. You must learn anything that you can learn.


I remember bu Lisa Widodo told me that:

“The things that you can do as a good product analyst are exploring many things and learn everything that you can learn. It’s the time for you to make many mistakes as much as you can but just for the beginner. After that, you must do the best and the right things and create a good impact here”.

That always be my favorite quotes since working in Blibli. Thanks Bu Lisa:)

if you’re the new fresh graduate employee, here some tips for you.
1. Always asking like “any kind of things that I can help?”


I love to ask my senior like “Can I help you?”.

Why? because everything needs practice. If you do more tasks, that means you are more learn about new things. The more you do, the more you get.

2. Always asking to feedback


The things that I have do after finished my tasks are always asked the feedback from my seniors. Still remind this: No one can be perfect. There’s always some mistakes that we’ve done. It’s okay.

The things you must know are how can you improve your skill and How can you detect and learn from the mistaken things quickly.

When I’ve got other people’s feedback, it always makes me think like: “Oh maigat. That’s right. How can I don’t think from that side” or “Ohya! there are many ways”. I think from the feedback, I’ve some references for actions on my brain dictionary when something has happened and it helps me to decide the action.

Selalu haus akan ilmu. Jangan cepat puas. Lakukan yang terbaik

-Vivy Junita-

That’s all for me. Good luck ya! Hopefully, it’ll help you

If you any questions, feels free to contact me via direct message on any social media or my LinkedIn. Thank you.

