A Guide to Google Girl Hackathon

Deepanshi Sharma
Google Developer Student Clubs TIET
3 min readMar 31, 2024

Last year, I came across this opportunity and thought how great it would be if I won such a prestigious hackathon. Did I win it? Let’s find out.

Google Girl Hackathon is not only a hackathon. It is a program designed for girls in Engineering to inculcate problem-solving and innovation skills. It is divided into multiple rounds, which include learning cohorts, problem-solving rounds, quizzes, and the grand finale, a hackathon.

Round 1

In 2023, Round 1 was a problem-solving round for everyone. It consisted of 2 Medium-Hard Level DSA Questions. The first question was really easy to understand but fairly challenging to optimise. And the second question required Hashmaps. I was able to solve both questions partially.

Tip: Your LinkedIn profile and resume are also considered shortlisting factors, so keep them updated!

Round 2

Round 2 was all about learning cohorts, where the Google Team conducted really amazing workshops. Senior software engineers from Google shared their experiences with us and told us about their lives at Google.

1st VIrtual Workshop on the Art of Writing Idiomatic Code

These workshops were different for different branches. Mine was for Computer Science. After these workshops, online assessments were taken, according to respective branches. Some had MCQ Questions, but mine consisted of 2 DSA Questions of hard level. I was able to solve both of them completely.

Round 3

Now, this was the final round, the Hackathon. We were given a problem statement according to our branch(again!). We were supposed to submit an algorithm to solve the problem.

Here is the link to the problem statement provided to me: Problem Statement

I worked day and night for this round. But alas, I could not make it to the Presentation Round. But what’s the fun in Hackathons if you don’t lose a few eh?

PS. I also got an opportunity to interview with google because of Google Girl Hackathon.

Thanks for the read!

