Cloud Study Jam, as I saw.

Hasenat Eqbali
Google Developer Student Clubs
4 min readJan 25, 2020
cloud study jam event on 3rd Oct, 2019 organized by the DSC Balkh University team.

Whenever I tried to write about something/story I was excited about, I failed, I couldn’t get a good piece of writing. I have been bored with writing and writing many times because of this bad habit. Maybe I’ve lost my focus … maybe my inner excitement is unmistakable! It has become a mystery to me and I don’t know it forever!
I was tired. How many nights had I slept right? I do not know … I lost count! If I had nothing to do, if it had been a lesson or not, or if I had no reason to wake up, this sheer excitement would not have gone to sleep. I thought, about good things, good ideas for achievable dreams. Eventually, something was going to happen and I watched slowly as the result of my early steps toward the new season of my life.

It was night. We were four inseparable comrades; me, midnight, my loving computer, and my bright room. Among my siblings, my room is the only room that is bright most of the night until late and is less familiar with the dark.
I looked at the clock, it was past two o’clock, I had to sleep, I had a great day tomorrow and there was nothing to diminish. I took notes, prepared everything I needed for tomorrow, and left a corner. I drank a glass of water and a few moments later, it became dark everywhere.

Slowly everyone was coming. And as my audience grew, my enthusiasm grew. I could see how we made the youth come together for one purpose. Exchange their views. Laugh at each other. Everyone was busy with something. One reads the agenda. One was talking to the other. Another was watching over everything. You can see enthusiasm, excitement, joy, and apprehension in everyone’s face.
I could see how much our team worked with love, boredom, and joy. They were explaining, guiding and solving the problems of other participants. And interestingly, every moment seemed more fun than it was before. Well done guys!
Seeing those cheerful and smiling faces of my co-workers, and the efforts of my teammates, I died and hoped for the days ahead.
Seeing the happy faces of students, got away from everything for a few hours to learn something new, to comment, to work on… It was energizing and exhilarating for me.

Somebody was praising the event, while another was criticizing it.
Somebody loves the event, while others remain neutral.
Somebody wants to discuss more and dive into the details. While another one summarizes it with one sentence.
Somebody was criticizing another person’s idea, vice versa, the criticized one was bringing reasons to support his idea.

The focus, precision, and talent that came along with this gracefulness made us feel more energized, honored, and inspired by the good words and ideas that the participants expressed.
Words, sentences, and everything I thought were the best words in my memory; they fell short of honoring my teammates’ hard work. A word that makes sense to me, because I’m not sorry in my memory.

Most of all, I would like to thank Farzad for his sincere help and hard work. I’ve known him for almost 5 years. He has been the most cooperative person with me from the very beginning. Even though his efforts and contributions are more valuable and comprehensive than the brief few sentences I write about. But I hope with a few words I have been able to appreciate what he has done to us.
I thank Mr. Jawid Mowahed, who dared me for their good guidance and cooperation.
I thank Mr. Rohullah Ayobi, who despite all their concerns, never let me down.
Thank you, Maliha, the dream girl of the sea; for all the beautiful things that you did for us. She is the one who never let my motivation diminish. And her encouragement is ever-lasting. His hard work is appreciative.
I am extremely grateful to Ahmed Nabil and Aman, who had done most of the work with diligence. I witnessed their hard work and struggle.
I also express my deepest appreciation to dear Hashmat, Abdul Jamil Karimi and Omid Timur. I am very grateful for their hard-work and assiduity.

After another good day, a great memory was added to my life. And that means the apex of happiness. God loves me so much! What dare I have to complain to the world now? Complain about life? Bad people? Suppress their thoughts? When life is so kind to us, why refrain from smiling?

As Sohrab Sepehri said, “Delights are not less. The sight is blind! “

Hasenat Eqbali
DSC Balkh University Lead



Hasenat Eqbali
Google Developer Student Clubs

Some of the best days of your life haven’t happened yet. 🌸