From Zero to Hero, Afghan Girls in Technology

Hasenat Eqbali
Google Developer Student Clubs
3 min readApr 16, 2020

These days, when everyone around the world is complaining about quarantine, I come from a country where their daughters have spent their entire lives in the middle of a culture that COVID-19 is an excuse to stay in the home.

I remember when I was a little girl and thought the whole world would end up to the only street that was the bridge between me and my school. I thought our school just have a library, and I really did not know that there are other libraries too.
Later on, when I grew up, I realized that there were bigger roads that connected me to my grandfather’s house. I found out that there are highways. And I realized that sky is somehow a way that would take you beyond your imagination. I found out that there are large libraries with hundreds of thousands of books. There are even machines for which zeros and ones make sense. And I was immature to understand these things.

cloud study jam event on 3rd Oct 2019 organized by the DSC Balkh University

My world became bigger when I was able to get everything with one click. Research about my favorite book, Listen to the song I like and write about everything I want. And when I get tired, I can simply turn it off and leave; and it is possible to start again from that point the next day without any hesitation.
People around the globe think that my country, Afghanistan, is a bad place for men and women to live and worse for children. In their opinion, you should be very miserable to be an Afghan man and even more miserable to be an Afghan girl. But all of this is an opinion of the distant past, not today. Today is quite different. The girls of my homeland greet their green days. They are managers, ministers, mayors, lawyers, writers, and some of them even made robots.

It is about one year that I lead Developer Student Club (DSC) at the faculty of Computer Science at Balkh University. The city of Rabia Balkhi. DSC was the starting point in my professional life which connected me with googlers and developers around the world. This was a pivotal experience that thought me how to lead and build much better.
Leading the DSC gave me the opportunity to make a sound and rise the sound of my generation. In this club, we make new tools and applications every day. We communicate with new programmers and developers, sets up workshops, events, and seminars, solve real-world problems and nurture ideas. So you might be thinking what is this DSC?

Copyright: Google Developers

Developer Student Clubs

DSC is a university-based community group for students interested in Google developer technologies.
This club is open for all the Computer Science students who want to work together in a very friendly environment; from trying new ideas to finding solutions to them. Every student who is interested to work in this area, from beginner to advanced level, is welcomed here.
By joining DSC, you can establish your professional and personal network. You can also access Google developer resources for free and work with motivated developers to develop solutions for local problems. So join us to build good things together.

Ah one more thing, this is Hasenat one of the Developer Student Clubs leads around the world.

Thank you for reading. If you like this post, feel free to show it with comments and applause. ;)



Hasenat Eqbali
Google Developer Student Clubs

Some of the best days of your life haven’t happened yet. 🌸