Developer Helps
Published in
3 min readSep 15, 2019

PHP MVC is an application configuration design that isolates the application information and business rationale (model) from the introduction (view). MVC represents Model, View, and Controller. The controller intervenes between the models and perspectives.

PHP MVC Design Pattern

PHP MVC Framework


This level is significant as it speaks to the information to the client. This level characterizes where the application’s information items are put away. The model knows nothing about perspectives and controllers. Thus, at whatever point there are changes done in the model it will naturally inform eyewitnesses that the progressions are made. The model might be a solitary article or a structure of items. The application data can come from;

  • flat file
  • database
  • XML document
  • Other valid data sources.


The controller is a level which goes about as a cerebrum of the whole MVC framework. A controller likewise goes about as a connection between a client and the framework. It gives the client the contribution by giving fitting perspectives to display it properly on the screen.

The controller comprehends client yield, changes over it into the suitable messages, and passes the equivalent to views. As an example, when the users request for the URL …/index.php?products=list, the controller will load the products model to retrieve the product data then output the results in the list view.


A view is a visual portrayal of the MVC model. This level makes an interface to demonstrate the genuine yield to the client. Be that as it may, a view won’t show anything itself. It is the controller or model that advises seeing what to show to the client. It likewise handles demands from the client and illuminates the controller.

A view is associated with its model and gets the information fundamental for the introduction by posing certain inquiries. Once in a while, it likewise refreshes the model by sending proper messages. Every one of these inquiries and messages is sent back to the model in such a simple wording, that it can without much of a stretch comprehend the data sent by a model or a controller.

To See Full Example of PHP MVC Framework

The above figure contains the MVC Collaboration Diagram, where the connections and conditions between figures can be watched

Our short PHP model has a straightforward structure, placing each MVC module in one organizer:

Advantages of the MVC framework

PHP MVC Frameworks rearrange working with complex advancements by:-

· Concealing all the mind-boggling execution subtleties

· Giving standard techniques that we can use to fabricate our applications.

· Expanded engineer profitability, this is on the grounds that the base usage of exercises, for example, associating with the database, cleaning client input and so on are as of now in part actualized.

Adherence to expert coding norms.

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