How to Write a Post for Developers’ Corner

Guidelines and tips for submitting a great post.

Yunus Emre Adas
Developers’ Corner


After reading our guidelines, please submit your post using this form.

And, if you don’t hear back from us within three days, please assume that we kindly passed on your submission.

Choosing a topic

The topic has to be Development or Start-Up related!

The ideal topic for a post follows this formula:

What I care about + What can benefit other people in the community

When something interests me, I’m probably good at it.

If it interests more people and can make their life better, I should share this knowledge with them. Here’s an example.

  • I love hiking.
  • I’m great at hiking in remote parts of the world.
  • I’ll write about how I successfully hiked in Greenland: why it’s awesome (with awesome examples & pictures), what’s important to know, how to get started etc. Then, I’ll do another one about Iceland. I honestly wish I could find more of these in the web before I hiked there myself.

We particularly love anything open-source, web and JavaScript. If it’s about software modularizations, components and the…



Yunus Emre Adas
Developers’ Corner

Web Developer, Part-Time blogger, Solopreneur, Tech Lover. Join my journey and find out who we really are.