Making the world a better place. No, seriously.

Fadi Azmy
Developers’ Foundation
2 min readApr 1, 2017

3 to 30 members, and 0 to 30,000 lives impacted in 1 year.

Developers’ Foundation is an organization that ships products to scale charities while giving students real work experience.

What d’yall really do though?

We figure out what is holding back incredible organizations from reaching their full potential, and help them reach it by shipping the product they need to solve their problem. This includes designing/building/(re)launching technologies the organizations are in need of.

What were your successes?

We put big bets on our feedback system. We document most things, so this allows us to quickly reflect on previous decisions and improve our operations.

Soon we’ll be publishing our iterations of our PM processes and our organization structure pivots to accommodate growth and product standards.

What were your biggest failures?

Admitting our failures and facing them as a team is a value we hold close to heart. Coming from a CS background, I initially started with underestimating the value and utter importance of design in our products.

We don’t want to be firing products out of a cannon as soon as possible, but we want to produce a tailored solution to our partner’s problems. Their success is our success.

What’s next?

We definitely are looking more inwards for the incoming year, to make sure our product teams have the support, training and space to produce incredible solutions they are proud of shipping.

This also means we are looking for incredible students to join our cause! Check out our website at or shoot me an email at =]



Fadi Azmy
Developers’ Foundation

Quantum Machine Learning @CDL, previously @Deloitte and @Breather