Modern Android Development | Jetpack Compose Tips, Tricks and Gotchas

Modern Android Development Jetpack Compose Tips, Tricks, and Gotchas Part 1 — Jetpack Compose Kotlin Compiler Compatibility

Arunabh Das
Developers Inc


Modern Android Development | Jetpack Compose Gotchas

If you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced Android developer, you may have encountered an error like

This version (1.0.4) of the Compose Compiler requires Kotlin version 1.5.31 but you appear to be using Kotlin version 1.6.21

Debugging version dependency errors such as the one, can seem confusing, especially as it relates to a seeming mismatch between the version of Jetpack Compose and the version of the Kotlin Compiler.

The confused Android developer may well scratch their Android exoskeletons and wonder why there would be a dependence between the version of Jetpack Compose and the version of the Kotlin Compiler.

The answer, upon seeking the answer, may be had from the compatibility table found in the Jetpack Compose Kotlin Compatibility table, as reproduced below

Jetpack Compose Kotlin Compatibility



Arunabh Das
Developers Inc

Sort of an executive-officer-of-the-week of a-techno-syndicalist commune. Cypherpunk, techno-idealist, peacenik, spiritual, humanist