Its the first birthday 🎂

For 365 days we have been speaking with our students, CEO, HR, hiring startups and investors to offer a new approach to learn coding. Let me share with you our findings ❤

MĂ©gane Dreyfuss
3 min readNov 1, 2018


My name is Megane, I am a French / Israeli entrepreneur living in Tel Aviv.I always have been passionate about Education : I studied at 4 universities, I wrote few MOOCs in Europe, I’ve launched my first School with The Family ( I found that working on my students’ mindset was THE secret to success. The ones with a growth mindset — were better equipped to keep striving for success, especially in the world of startups. By moving to Israel, I realised that EVERYONE around me had the right entrepreneurial mindsets, being drawn to opportunities, innovation and new value creation.

By speaking with my future students and my co-founders, I realised that there was a need for skill oriented courses. This is how Jeremie Berrebi, Avner Maman and myself came up with Developers.Institute.

Jérémie Berrebi giving the opening class on the first day

By opening this coding bootcamp, we have 3 main objectives in mind :
1. Help individuals who want to have a quick, intensive and quality training in coding
2. Help new immigrants launching their new career in Israel
3. Build a community of leaders and individuals who have the right mindset to succeed in the thriving startup ecosystem.

With more than 40 students, we are offering 3 kinds of courses :
- Web Full Time : Intensive bootcamps for english speakers who would like to start a new career as a junior Developer.
- Torah Tech : For religious students, we offered them Torah Courses in the morning and coding classes in the afternoon for 4 months.
- Intro to Coding : In partnership with ARDC (African refugee development centre) we are giving 50 hours of HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT and Wordpress courses to refugees who are curious about these technologies.

Our Web full time bootcamp and Torah Tech bootcamp students

My students are coming from 15+ different countries, they range from 16 to 54 years old, some of them are Religious Jews, Some were born and raised in TLV, some are African refugees who crossed 3 countries by foot to start a new life in Israel. However, they all have one very particular thing in common: The DRIVE and WILLINGNESS to push themselves forward.

By giving them the skills they are missing, we give our students the opportunity to become developers in less than a year. We know that with a 3 month bootcamp you are not yet hireable, but we make sure that that EVERY SINGLE student graduating from our course gets at least one paid project from us to continue to:

- Code, code, code,
- Learn to learn,
- Build a portfolio

My students invest time and money to change their careers. They are just at the beginning of their journey. That’s why Jérémie, Avner and myself dedicate time daily to coach and work with our Alumni and current students.

We strongly encourage them to pursue an internship for at least 6 months. It takes around 2 to 4 months to get a job after a bootcamp. Instead of loosing time applying to hundreds of jobs, its best to choose one company / startup and learn everything for them.

The coding bootcamp will give our students the knowledge, the internship will teach them how to use it.

If you wish to hire one of our wonderful graduates in January, contact me at Megane@developers.Institute ❤



MĂ©gane Dreyfuss

COO at / Ex Googler, ex Criteo employee ex CEO (by Thefamily) Lived in 8 different countries #neversettle