Proxy Design Pattern in PHP

Atakan Demircioğlu
Developers Keep Learning


In this post, I will share my notes about Proxy Design Pattern in PHP.

What is the Proxy Pattern?


The Proxy Pattern is a structural design pattern that acts as a substitute or placeholder for another object.

It controls access to the real object, allowing you to perform additional actions before or after accessing the original object.

This pattern is useful for scenarios where you want to add functionality such as logging, caching, or access control without modifying the original object.

What is the difference between Decorator and Proxy Pattern?

The Decorator Pattern and the Proxy Pattern are both structural design patterns that involve wrapping objects with other objects. However, they serve different intents.

Proxy Pattern is primarily used to control access to an object, acting as a surrogate or placeholder for another object. It does not alter the interface of the original object but instead provides a way to intercept and manage access to it, allowing for additional functionalities such as lazy initialization…



Atakan Demircioğlu
Developers Keep Learning

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