What I learn as a developer?

My 3+ years of experience taught me some valuable thing. I can say habits.

Jay Mistry
Ahhh! This Life…


Ted Talks

I was not so huge fan of Ted Talks. But in recent years, since early 2010. I’m gaining a good knowledge from it. And I got the reference through my first start up enoops.com (An open source software provider). So I can say,

Ted is a best gift I got from my development.

Value of Wireframes

As a newbie I didn’t know about wireframes. I even didn’t know that Photoshop and illustrator are useful in such things. I simply pick the tool, start coding and make changes. There were no fix methods or tools. Many times I needed to change the whole code in order to make some changes.

But time taught me a good thing. Now I’ve a method. A fix tool. (Sublime Text). And all working well. No need to plan a design along with a coding. Wireframing and Prototyping makes my work damn easy. That taught me a good thing.

We need to be an organized in order to achieve something in real life as well.

Knowledge doesn’t come up with an age notation

In my early work days I was looking at lots of beautiful websites. And a couple of silly thoughts were crossing my mind:

→ “He’s older than me.”

→ “He got an excellent opportunity and hence he’s good.”

But later on after 4 years, I got to know a real perception. Honestly, I’ve worked with people who are younger than me and have excellent knowledge than me. I’ve also worked with people who are older than me and sometimes they learn something from me.

So Now I realize, It doesn’t matter, if he’s older or younger. The only thing matters at most in the web industry is the curiosity to learn more and more.(For my first thought.)

I cleared up my mind that “ He’s not good due to an excellent opportunity he has, but He has an excellent opportunity because he’s good.” (For my second thought.)

Never judge a person base on his age or experience. Knowledge matters more.

Teaching is actually good

In my school time, We were so competitive. In fact, people around us, our parents, friends and teachers made us to think about competitions. Every time we hear a same thing from most people.

“He’s so intelligent. And look at you.”

“He got good marks. He stood 1st. You?”

etc…, etc…

And eventually. We can’t share what we have. We try to compete with each other. And I think this is not a real education. In college, I got same atmosphere. At least up to some percent.

I have been good at web designing since my first year of college. And one day my friend asked me to teach something. My first reaction was…

“Are you talking to me?”

And I taught him it. And believe me. That experience was just awesome. It feels good when you’ve something and you share. I learned so many things from that incident. It just changed my mind. Sometimes we can find our mistakes with these.

And Now every time I learn when I teach.

And many more things that help me with my each way. Like to plan ahead, setting a goal, learn new languages etc.…

I’m still in search of my new habits. Still, I’m an imperfect who’s at least trying to be a perfect. Even I’m not perfect in this article as well. And hoping to remain imperfect whole life. So I can learn new things at each stage.

Finally, I would like to end this article with my favorite quote from The Shawshank Redemption

Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.



Jay Mistry
Ahhh! This Life…

Entrepreneur. Designer. Amateur photographer. Always curious to know more about space, psychology and green global.