Quick Intro to JS Browser BOM

GP Lee
Web Developers Tomorrow
3 min readAug 28, 2020



_ JS Navigator

__ Browser Cookies

__ Browser Agent

__ Browser Platform

__ Browser Language

__ Is The Browser Online?

_ JS Window

__ Window Screen

_ JS Location

__ Window Location Href

__ Window Location Protocol

_ JS History

__ Window history


Let’s spend this time briefly looking at what is available for JS to “talk to” the browser. There are often cases where you need to interact with user’s browsers. For example, window.navigator.userAgent returns the information about which browser user is currently using. There are many useful BOM objects/functions available. Let’s go over some of them

Photo by Chase Clark on Unsplash

JS Navigator

Browser Cookies

The cookieEnabled property returns true if cookies are enabled, otherwise false



GP Lee
Web Developers Tomorrow

Full Stack Engineer (JS, C#, AWS) in NYC. Please follow me on @gpda (Github) or @gpleeda (LinkedIn)