Why I’ve Decided to Give up Control as My 2017 New Year Resolution

Eran Kampf
Published in
2 min readDec 22, 2016

I’ve been running developerzen.com on WordPress for over a decade now. But I haven’t been writing there regularly for years now.

Every year I tell myself I should start writing again. I set goals, come with a list of draft ideas and… end up wasting all my time preparing the site for the new content — refreshing the design, customizing WP, plugins etc. — before eventually losing interest.

After reading Jason Fried’s post on Signal vs. Noise move to Medium I’ve decided I’ll try something new this year — Move DeveloperZen.com to Medium and get back to writing about software engineering and technology (at least a post a month).

Medium is much more strict on customizations. It has no plugins to install\update, maintenance to do, DBs to backup. No excuses for stuff that needs taking care of besides writing.

I think the upside of a simpler interface and Medium’s ability to push my content to readers outweigh any downside of giving away control of my content.

So here’s to a year of blogging in 2017! :)

(I’ll be taking the next week or so to move content I want to keep from the old blog to this pubnlication before redirecting DeveloperZen.com here)

