Pietro De Grandi
Developing a game app: Tricky Traps
4 min readMay 17, 2016


This diary tells the story of how we are trying to make our first videogame. We are not expert in doing that, we have never done it before and we don’t know what will happen in the next future. It is an experiment we want to share and we think could be interesting for you, either it turns out a success or a failure.

You can find more about Belka @ www.belka.us/en

Previous Episode: TRUE LOVE

How to find the perfect 3D model for your videogame.

As soon as MaxFrax begun to learn how Unity works, we faced our first challenge: finding a 3D model for the game.

After a brief discussion during one of our ordinary lunch at the cafeteria, we decided to ask the internet. We googled Tricky Traps 3D model and we immediately found what we were looking for. It was a WordPress based website with a lot of images about a Tricky Traps 3D parametric model.

We found it!

Nope. The last update to the website was from five years ago and there was no contact, info or form. Luckily there was the name of the modeler: Dino.

We started a useless search on the main social networks: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Badoo. Well, actually not on Badoo. You can’t find 3D modelers on Badoo.

Then we looked for him directly on Google — why we didn’t thought about it before? — and after some scrolling we found a PDF file with his name. We opened it. It was his CV, but every data on it, except the name, was awkwardly erased. The email address was almost invisible.

I prepared a message in which I explained all the enthusiasm we had about the project and I sent it to every possible email address variation I could think, similar to the one on the erased document. A lot of them came back with an error, one didn't.

We waited.

Against all expectations the day after we received an answer: we had our 3D modeler. In an intense call we found that the model we saw on the website was developed as an university assignation, that Dino is now a full-time 3D modeler, and that the model was still available to be adapted to our use in Unity. We've been unbelievably lucky.

We've been lucky not just because we found the model, we've been lucky mainly because we found a great artist, who immediately shared our vision for the project.

After a few days we met each other in a crowded cafeteria in Milano city centre. Dino is now working for the CNR, the national research centre. He is a researcher that studies and implements low-cost prosthesis using the 3D printing technology. He is top-player, we understood it immediately.

Dino was really enthusiast for the project. Both of us dreamed of realizing a videogame, and this was our opportunity. The final goal isn’t to make money out of it, but to experiment something different, and test if we will be able to build a mobile game.

The deal is: he gives us the model and makes the necessary modifies to fit it into Unity. We will think about all the other things needed to transform the model into an actual game. If the app will become profitable Dino will have a part of the money. Simple and straight as it seems.

This nice story taught us a few things:

  1. If you need something, search for it on the internet (but not on Badoo)
  2. Don’t be afraid to get in touch with someone and share with him your idea/project/vision
  3. 3D modeling is hard and it's better leave it to professionals
  4. If someone does not have the same enthusiast you are having for a project probably it’s not the right person to share it with
  5. There are very cool projects at CNR
  6. There are other people in the world that love Tricky traps!

