Developing Discipline: Meditation

Quentin Banks
Developing Disipline
2 min readOct 1, 2017

If you have not tried meditation i recommend you do. I was very skeptical at first reading through another blog by Oskar Nowik. I thought “I don’t need to meditate”, “meditation is for older people”, “it won’t help me”. I was wrong. Think of you mind as your body, in the way of hygiene. The body needs regular hygiene, so we can stay healthy and not put ourselves at risk for future problems. Well our minds need regular hygiene just like our bodies do. Meditation is like a way to cleanse the mind and put things at ease. proven benefits of meditation are it relaxes your nerves, reduces stress, improves your concentration, and promotes a healthy lifestyle. It has also been known to promote happiness and self-acceptance. Earlier this week i decided to give it a try. I found two websites( one recommended through a blog, one i found on my own) and has a trial series of exercises and a bunch more you would have to pay for. At first they start you out with some basic breathing exercises, but don’t be fooled, they worked very well. Before i tried my first attempt at meditation, i was preparing to go complete some homework and my mind was very distracted. The first exercise was about 10 minutes of focusing on breathing in and out, focusing on entry point/exit point of the breath. Afterwards i felt very relaxed my mind was at ease, and it wasn't racing around like it normally is. I was very focused in what and how i was going to get stuff done and didn’t have anxiety in doing my work either. The other meditation exercises i tried out were easier to remain focus and also very helpful. If you have interest in trying out mediation i will include the the links below.

Overall, because my mind was calm and clear, i was able to make better choices which lead to me getting more done and helped me improve my self control.

