Eversource Lighting the Way

Developing Partnerships: A Housing Blog
2 min readAug 14, 2017


As the state’s leading energy provider, Eversource plays a prominent role in the minds of many Connecticut residents. What may not be so apparent, however, is the commitment and impact that the utility company has had on the creation and preservation of affordable housing over the years. Whether as an investor in many of the state’s tax credit investment programs or as a provider of energy efficiency incentives, Eversource continues to serve a pivotal role in the affordable housing ecosystem.

Perhaps the most prominent contribution Eversource has made is through the Housing Tax Credit Contribution (HTCC) program. Administered by CHFA, this program provides eligible corporations a dollar-for-dollar tax credit in exchange for investment in certain housing-related activities. In the past three years alone, Eversource has invested over $25 million in funding through the HTCC program, providing essential support to organizations across the state.

“Eversource is proud to partner with CHFA and the HTCC program,” says Thomas Dorsey, Manager of Governmental Affairs. “Affordable and supportive housing are important elements to building and maintaining strong communities. Investments in housing bring jobs to our communities as well.”

Additionally, Eversource, along with United Illuminating, provides critical energy efficiency incentives that help create more efficient, healthy living environments for residents at CHFA-financed properties. In 2016, the two utility companies provided over $2.5 million in incentives to owners and managers of affordable rental properties — a 250% increase over the previous year.

