What we value more

Sean K. Gabriel
Developing Samurai
Published in
2 min readApr 9, 2019
Fushimi Inari shrine — Kyoto, Japan (by: Lisa Wei)

In the spirit of the Agile Manifesto and other ‘value more’ statements that have inspired us (e.g. Pragmateam, usTwo), we wanted to share a snapshot of the principles, practices and leadership styles that resonate most with us.

As with the Agile Manifesto, we offer:

While there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.

A team of sidekicks over a team of heroes

A hero can do amazing things, but when it comes to strong teams we’re big fans of the teaming concept, and being predisposed to collaboration from the start. Sidekicks naturally move beyond “I’m great” to “we’re great.”

Honor over winning

We don’t have to be right all the time — in fact, we love being proven wrong when it leads to learning. But we’re stubborn about our values and ethics, and will defend them when at odds with our work.

Outcomes over outputs

We hate busywork. Results are what matter. Showing beats telling. #lean

Learning over knowing

Knowing everything is boring! We’re believers in the growth mindset, and aspire to continually develop our understanding of the world through fast feedback loops.

Empathy over sympathy

We love Brené Brown’s take on this; compassionately putting yourself in someone else’s shoes is one of the most powerful life skills we know. You can always find a better way when you take the time to genuinely feel.

Samurai over ninjas

Lastly, we always seek to fight fair, and don’t feel the need to creep around in the night! And we’re content to continue an endless pursuit of zen.

Tell us what you think!



Sean K. Gabriel
Developing Samurai

Aloha (🤙。◕‿‿◕。)🤙 big on team building & lean product dev. Author @ aspiringpm.com. Thinking aloud with #weeknotes. Works best when caffeinated ☕️