The Key to Happiness

Happiness. Everyone wants to be happy right? I mean who doesn’t? We all want to be successful and get what we want out of life. That may look different to every single person but there is a way we can all achieve happiness.

Emotional intelligence. Having this skill can grant you happiness. It can make you successful, not just in your work but in life.

Just think about it. When you are in control of your feelings and know how to respond when you have certain type of feelings, doesn’t that make you feel in control of your own life? I know that would make me happy to be able to control my emotions.

You want to be able to enjoy what you do. You want to have personal connections with your coworkers. This way work will be enjoyable. I will make you happy. Therefore, emotional intelligence is a big part of making those connections with others, to make you happier in work and in life.

One of my peers, Lihn Vu, wrote

“Therefore, to be able to attain great achievements, one should find their own higher purpose to do meaningful work. After all, this is why high EI level is the most essential skill to become successful” (Vu, 2017).

I agree 100% with Lihn, to achieve what you want, you need to have emotional intelligence. You must realize that you are a part of something bigger than yourself. Once you realize this, you can do work that is meaningful to you.

I can personally say that starting to develop my emotional intelligence has made me happier. At work, when I can control my feelings not only am I more successful in what I am doing but I am also happier with myself for handling my feelings.

For example,

One day at work, I had a very long day so I was a little grumpy. I made sure that I did not let that affect my work or take it out on my coworkers. So I controlled my emotions and went into work. I ended up have a great day at work that night. My coworkers and I laughed and had a good time.

This just shows that if you are aware of your feelings and know how to manage them, you will be happy and can be successful.


Vu, L. (2017, September 30). Why emotional intelligence is more important than other skills? [Web log post]. Retrieved from

