Why did I make a Telegram bot for monitoring domains?

A Drobushevskiy
Development of telegram bots.
3 min readDec 28, 2022

I have a large number of domains, about 100. Some domains are from one registrar, some from the second, a third, and another. I need help tracking when and which domains I need to renew. There is a high probability of not continuing the domain on time and losing it. You will be happy if you check your mail more often, link a bank card, and turn on auto-renewal for domains.

My pains.

Here are the main pains that prompted me to write a bot:

  • Domains are registered to different email addresses notifications are sent to them. Going to check all emails every week or every month could be a more pleasant experience.
  • Several dozen domains do not belong to me but to my clients. Yes, I sometimes moonlight as a site support, development and refinement. And it can be unpleasant when a client finds out before me that he did not pay for the domain, and I did not remind him. And we start frantically and quickly looking for access to the registrar’s account, restoring them to promptly pay for the domain, which has not been deleted. Familiar story?
  • I hunt and monitor domains that I want to repurchase, but at the moment, they are occupied, or the company has ceased to exist, and the domain has already been paid for a year or several years. You need to constantly keep this in mind or make some notification on the calendar when you need to check the competitor’s expiring domain.
  • Suppose I add auto-renewal of domains to the registrar’s account. That is, I link a bank card for a recurring payment, then, depending on the registrar, he can take one day, say 40 days before the expiration date of the domains, write off a round sum from me, say for 30 parts. What if I didn’t want to renew 10 of those 30?
  • Spam. Millions of emails from each registrar 60 days before the domain expiration, 40 days, 30, 10, 7, 3, 1. Multiply this by 100 or more domains, and now my email is already spammed, or even worse, letters registrars fall into spam, and I don’t see the renewal notification and lose my domain.
  • I want to control how many days before the domain expiration date to send me a notification.
  • I want to keep the entire list of domains in one place. To be able to view it.


What did I decide to do? The Telegram bot I made is as simple as possible. I add domains I need to track to it and other domains I want to follow and wait for their deletion date to buy.

Seven days before the domain expiration date, the bot will notify me in Telegram that the domain needs to be renewed. In the future, I plan to refine this option so that you can specify how many days before the end of the registration period to send a notification for a specific domain.

I am sharing a Telegram bot Your Domain bot, with you, maybe someone has the same pain, and the bot will be helpful to you. If you notice any jambs or ideas appear, write, do not hesitate, I will try to do everything.

Subscribe to my Telegram channel “Aleks is working 🚀” — where I share the process of creating my products and publicly discuss it.

Thank you!

