Things You Don’t Know You Don’t Know Yet

Or, validate validate validate.

Thea Sokolowski
Development + Startups
2 min readMay 15, 2014


These are the things I know:

1+1 doesn’t always equal 2.
Mom doesn’t always know best.
Neither does your boss.
Girls rule. Boys often drool.
People who function without caffeine contain superpowers.
Motivation cannot be taught.
The people who have managed to remain a part of your life are there to teach you something. You should let them.
It’s better to listen first and speak later.
The sun can be both friend and foe.
Mustaches are not attractive. On anyone.
A glass of wine is the greatest cure.

These are things I don’t know:

How to code.
Chinese languages.
How Little Women ends.
Where I will be in 5 years.
How to fly.
All the ingredients in a cereal bar.
Why we can’t all just get along.

These are the things I don’t know I don’t know yet:


What we know can be measured. What we don’t know can be learned. What we don’t know we don’t know yet is where endless possibilities lie. Although there’s nothing new under the sun, there are things that haven’t yet been seen from your perspective.

Every eye reflects light in a different way. Never stop trying to see. More. An entrepreneur’s job is to take what they know and find a way to improve it, learning what they don’t know and discovering every possibility that they don’t know they don’t know yet along the way. We have to look at a problem from every possible angle to really see it. Then we need to challenge what we see. And prove it to be true.

It’s a tough job, but somebody’s gotta do it.



Thea Sokolowski
Development + Startups

Helping Africa’s tech entrepreneurs build scalable businesses. Oxford SBS MBA. Writer. Content marketer. Former @MESTAfrica