Taking Responsibility

It’s not so hard is it?

Development Discovery
4 min readMar 26, 2018

Fantastic news this week!!!

A Champagne weekend!

A dancing on the table moment…

Credit: Gfycat.com

Completion on the new barns happened yesterday at 3.50pm!!!


After the long and drawn out rigmarole, finally we got there.

I don’t know if you experience the same thing, but these days buying property seems so much harder and takes forever, with everybody covering their backs and nobody wanting to take responsibility for anything.

Even asking the accountant to sign our assets and liabilities form as being a fair assessment of what we have, meant a long letter disclaiming any responsibility for having signed it.

We understand why everybody is so careful, but it does make for a sad world when there is no trust any more.

You could say the process is made longer when you’re dealing with build finance and add to that barn conversions which are considered the highest risk to them (coz they’re ‘not predictable’ and few funders have experience of doing them), yet two properties ago, we bought a private house in Bideford and had an equal amount of trouble purchasing it… I hasten to add for very different reasons.

You can look at it in a different way…

That these things are meant to challenge you, to make you learn, teach you lessons and force you to grow

For me, it’s the best way of looking at it, cuts down on the frustration :-

So with three new barn conversions about to begin, we just want to say a huge and massive THANK YOU to all our investors who have come on board to make it possible and are now part of this exciting new project.

It’s going to be a great ride.

A fantastic challenge alone, to create a fabulous home from the block built barn, yet already, we can see it light and spacious, built with wonderful natural materials and singing from its heart at its new-found beauty.

What fun!

And of course you can follow the whole project on this blog just as with the completed Stenhill Barns.

Credit: Wil Stewart

To the barns this week

(The finished ones at least)

Mostly outside work as we were blessed with a few dry days as the snow melted.

  • Stenhill Barton’s car parking area — was edged with sleepers to hold back the higher level of ground and for a neat finish.
  • Little Barton’s car parking area — boarded fencing was put up to hide the concrete enclosure behind and looks really effective.
  • The garden steps were completed — and handrails added for safety… I love the steps and think they look perfect in the environment. Only thing I would say is when the weather is much drier, we will run a lick of transparent, anti-slip paint over them for further safety.
  • The topsoil — was delivered and spread over the main areas of the garden, though unfortunately still a little too lumpy and wet to trickle down the bank. So it’s been piled up just above it to pull down as it dries.
  • Moving sites — always mixed emotions when you move site. You get rather comfortable and familiar with your setup. But then there’s the excitement of moving on to the next challenge, so all is good :-)

Bit by bit things have been leaving the site.

Burnable rubbish bonfired.

The last of the skips is now full and going this week.

  • Inside — electricians have finished the lighting… Really do need to buy a load of bulbs. We have bought a selection to see the best colours etc and are liking the daylight bulbs for most areas, neither too yellow nor too blue.
  • Painter — has virtually finished all the snagging
  • Outside vents fitted — didn’t want to use black ones as it would be harsh with the stonework although we have got black guttering. Opted for a grey that is a bit bright, but is basically acceptable.
  • Wood burners — will be the very last thing put in. With hindsight we should have got them in before now, but we’ve been deliberating too much. A lesson for next time :-)



Development Discovery

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