The Benefits Of Using A WordPress Website

Joey Smith
Published in
7 min readAug 19, 2021

Outlining the benefits of using a Developyn-hosted WordPress website for your business or project

Written by Joey Smith — Developyn Marketer

Benefits To Using A WordPress Website

WordPress is an extremely popular content management system that is widely used in website design. There are many benefits to using it, and in this article I will fill you in on some of them.

1. User Friendliness

It’s no wonder that the majority of the internet’s websites are created using the WordPress software. The popular content management system allows people who are not tech-savvy to be able to create and maintain their own stunning and functional websites without requiring the help or skills of a software developer. Alien as it may look upon first inspection, WordPress is very much learnable to those with the patience to put the effort in, and serves as a much more budget-friendly option to those without a great deal of cash spare. The block editor is fairly straightforward and has the capability to produce almost any kind of structure you would require for your website, so you can be sure that you can bring what you have in mind into fruition with relative ease.

2. Plugins

There is a huge public library of free plugins available at your disposal, each offering an additional function that you can quite literally ‘plug in’ to your website. These can be activated/deactivated and deleted at any time, so the commitment is very small, while offering another layer of functionality to the website. There will be a plugin for virtually anything you could want, and they are easy to locate and access directly through the back end of your website. Simply head to the plugins section of your website’s dashboard and type in the kind of thing you’re looking for.

3. SEO Advantages

SEO is the process of making your website more accessible and applying updates to it in order to make it perform better (rank higher) in Google search results pages. There are useful and popular SEO tools that go hand in hand with WordPress websites. One such is Yoast, a plugin that you can pluck directly from the library and install into your website. This handy tool will analyse your website and tell you the things you can improve upon to enhance your SEO quality. With WordPress, you can also implement your SEO strategy without having to delve into the actual code; you can simply insert the updates into the interface and reap the rewards of doing so. WordPress websites generally perform well in search engines, offering a solid base for SEO, and these types of websites often rank highly in Google.

4. eCommerce

WordPress is very useful for those looking to build an eCommerce website. This is because there are a variety of pre-created themes which are perfectly suited to an online store, and also because there are plenty of plugins that add eCommerce functionality to a site, including product display, shopping cart and checkout features. A very popular example of an eCommerce focused WordPress plugin is WooCommerce — widely celebrated for its simplicity of installation as well as its user-friendliness. Creating your own eCommerce site with WordPress will save you a lot of money in comparison to having one purpose-built for you.

5. Customisable

WordPress offers a totally customisable experience with ease of use, again benefiting those that are less tech-savvy. Without requiring any type of programming knowledge, changes can be made quickly and easily, and this is even further enforced by the ‘customise’ tool. Using this handy tool, you can make changes on the fly and see how they will look immediately afterwards, and publishing them is as easy as hitting ‘publish’! Sounds easy, right? That’s because it is!

Say if you had used a web designer to build you a website using Javascript, for example. Once you hand the content over to them and it is implemented within the website, the content is stuck there and probably won’t be able to be updated without paying a developer to make these changes for you. With WordPress, even if you initially had someone create the website for you, with a little bit of practice (or even just Googling tips) you will be able to change around the content on your website as often as you like without limitation.

6. Themes

As previously mentioned, there is an abundance of themes ready for you to drop straight onto your site for a basic structure, with more being added all the time. Adding a theme to your site can take away some of the hassle of starting from absolute scratch and save you a lot of time. This also takes away from you having to find inspiration for how your site should look, and you can simply drag and drop your content directly over the existing stock templated content. With a huge library of both official WordPress and custom themes to choose from, you’re bound to find one that reflects your style well and fits in perfectly with what you’re aiming for regarding the look and feel of your site.

7. Well Known & Trusted

Due to being a well-established tool (initially released in 2003!) and due to being the most popular website option available, you can bet that WordPress is a safe and reliable choice for your website project. Due to it being so popular, there is a huge community of very generous users who offer insight and tools to improve everyone’s experience. Should you ever get stuck or need assistance with anything related to your website, most of the time your answer will likely be just a Google search away. There are plenty of forums, FAQs, videos and step by step walkthroughs on how to do almost anything regarding WordPress builds, and there is actual official WordPress documentation for even more insight. For example, a common feature that can be very confusing to beginners in WordPress is setting up contact forms and syncing them up to desired mailboxes. Without the shared knowledge, this would not be something you would be able to easily figure out on your own. However, as previously mentioned there is more than enough information out there to see you through, allowing you to do things yourself and save money.

8. Cheap Hosting

There are plenty of very affordable options available for the hosting of your WordPress website, with discounts often available for when multiple sites are required to be hosted together. Many providers offer cheap hosting for WordPress sites, with the cheapest probably being to go through WordPress directly. However, many of these providers offer little-to-no support with setup, domains and for when you have issues. Here at Developyn we offer technical support and assistance with hosting setup and any queries you may have, going above and beyond for every client and offering a leading edge over competitors in this way.

9. Easy Setup

In comparison with other options, WordPress is extremely simple and quick to set up. Again, setup can be achieved without the need for technical knowledge, and you should be able to find help online if you encounter any problems. If you choose a Developyn WordPress hosted product, we will handle the setup for you, allowing you to simply sit back and wait to be presented with a website that is ready to go/ready for you to start adding content to immediately!

10. Developyn (how we can make it easier and cheaper)

WordPress has a user-friendly and easy to use interface and editor that allows people — who otherwise would not possess the skills — to develop their own website from scratch. We have actually launched a WordPress service dashboard that allows users to quickly and simply set up their very own website in as little as 15 minutes, and offers you the choice of either building your own website or having assistance from our team of highly-skilled professionals. And with that, we follow onto our next point.

Although WordPress is relatively simple, it can still be initially challenging for someone with little-to-no experience in web design to make their website look sleek and professional. But with our help, you won’t have to worry. All your designs and visions can come to life without you having to put in the time of doing it yourself.

Not only can we design your website, we can also host it on reliable servers with no downtime and ensure it’s always SSL compliant for as little as £90 per year. Choosing Developyn to design and/or host your WordPress website will not only save you money, it will also mean you have complete artistic control over your website and once the design process has been completed, you’re able to update and alter your website as much as you like.

You can find our WordPress service dashboard here:

Please feel free to check out the culmination of our hard work and consider making the right decision by choosing Developyn when it comes to using a quality website to invest in your brand’s future.



Joey Smith

I’m Joey. I work within the Marketyn department at Developyn. My main areas of focus are social media management, content creation and client relations.