Why Social Media Management is important for SEO

Joey Smith
Published in
4 min readJul 31, 2020

A blog by Developyn


SEO without Social Media Management is like going to the supermarket, prepared with your trolley token & shopping list, and purposely not bothering to take bags. In essence, you are making a conscious effort to optimise the efficiency of your shopping trip, but while doing so leaving out a key component to achieving this. Now you have to buy bags, effectively nullifying your preparations for maximum efficiency.

Metaphors aside, adequate management of your social media accounts is very important for improving your business’ reach and should be a key component to the SEO and marketing strategies of any business or individual that wishes to achieve and maintain high-levels of efficiency in their marketing efforts. SEO and social media management go hand-in-hand for any successful marketing strategy.


If you are pouring time and effort into your SEO strategy and not connecting with your customer base on social media, you are missing a key component to both your potential for online growth and also a key tool for achieving this growth. Social media is a great way to observe your target audience, to see what they are interacting with and what keywords seem to be prevalent amongst their discussions. You could then use some of these keywords or phrases within your website to help direct some of them your way. Another thing you could do is simply type these into google to see related searches. This will give you a better indication of what to include in your website to better connect with your target audience.

Employing a mixture of both SEO strategy and creation of engaging social media content for your audience will provide you with the optimum growth potential for your online presence. Furthermore; having an online presence on social media directly affects both your search engine results page ranking & your SEO rating (generated by websites specifically designed to analyse this). When crawling your page, search engine robots will actively check to see if you have an account registered to platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Linkedin, and use this information to help decide how useful your page is and where it will be placed in the Search Engine Results Page.


For example, if a bakery has accounts on all of the above platforms, they are more likely to appear near the top of the Google search results page for related searches such as ‘baked goods’ and ‘bakery near me’ than a bakery that has no presence on social media (if all other factors that attribute to this are equal, anyway). As you can see in the screenshot above, Stourbridge Glass Engravers’ Facebook page is in the top 3 results in the search results page. This shows that Google has likely noticed that they have a Facebook page and have ranked this webpage highly. This has no doubt helped the SEO of this company.

But there is more to it than just having an account on these sites. Having correct information on your profile such as the correct link to your website is essential. If you do not provide this information, then your potential customers will be less likely to find your page and visit it.

Also, harbouring a strong following on these platforms & regularly updating your audience with engaging content can also boost your website’s traffic, especially if you are providing your website’s URL in the caption of your posts. The more often you include your website address in your social media content, the more you are increasing your visibility and accessibility to potential customers.

Info to make sure you include on your social media pages:

  • Website URL
  • Contact phone number
  • Email address
  • Location if necessary
  • Great summary of the business- check grammar and spelling
  • Pinned posts
  • Correct tags in place

SEO strategy checklist for social media:

  • Use multiple platforms, and be aware of where your target audience is going to be
  • Complete your page’s contact information thoroughly and be sure to link your website
  • Respond to comments to boost interactions
  • Use keywords for your target audience. This will improve your Facebook page’s browser ranking
  • Analyse your page’s performance levels and know what is working well and where you could improve
  • Do your competitor analysis
  • Network and connect with others

Hopefully utilising some of these techniques will help boost your social media following and consequently create more organic traffic for your website.


With this information in mind, it is evident that there is a strong correlation between social media management and your visibility in search engine results pages. Generally, the more content you can get out there regarding your company and what you do, the better, and social media can be a perfect medium to publish this content. Social media is particularly useful to help with the SEO of small businesses as there will be less supporting attributes to make up for the lack of a social media presence.

To summarise quickly; social media is a powerful and free marketing tool, and SEO can be more greatly optimised if you have a social media presence as there will be more content out there pointing people in your website’s direction.

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Joey Smith

I’m Joey. I work within the Marketyn department at Developyn. My main areas of focus are social media management, content creation and client relations.