
Baptiste Jacquemet
Published in
2 min readMay 3, 2017


Beginning a new adventure is exciting. So exciting that you want to share this feeling with your family, friends and the world.
Alex and I felt like that when we started Deverify.

After a year and a half working closely together for a business travel company, we decided to start something new, something that we would create from scratch.

It finally hit us after an intense month of ideation and passionate discussions on our rooftops (yes, everything is possible in Barcelona, even working from rooftops in January ;)

At a Barcelona Startup event

During our career, we experienced the process of recruiting developers and the process of being recruited. On both sides, we saw flaws and complexity.

Companies spend hours thinking, creating and correcting coding challenges that won’t even provide the expected results.

Candidates spend too much time on tests, generally too long to complete and with no connexion to real tasks they could perform in their job.

Deverify was born on that idea:

We believe there is an opportunity to considerably improve the hiring process for both the recruiting company and the candidate.

By offering concrete projects, in a familiar developer environment we recreate a comfortable environment for the developers. Plus our challenges are fun, so they enjoy the time spent with us!

Companies can easily make their decision helping themselves with the personalized reviews we provide them and access to the entire code. They can relax and use their additional time on other aspects of the recruiting process.

So… what will you find on our blog? Well, first, we want to share what we learn while building Deverify, then, maybe some hiring tips and, for sure, many technical articles (expect some Ruby and DevOps articles!).

If you have any suggestions or any questions, you can always reach us at We’ll be glad to hear from you.

