2022 — Happy New Years! — Devery Update

Published in
2 min readJan 13, 2022

Happy New Years! As the new year progresses so does our goals for the next few months. As mentioned in our previous updates our current focus is releasing our API application which we’ve detailed in previous updates.

We’re currently in the final stages of testing for our API application, with a test deployment completed internally, which we will be releasing once a few small changes are made for domain names, a final internal testing run and other fixes that may arise.

Our UI kit items are still in process, which will further expand the kit with more assets to be used in a variety of applications with different styles. There have been some unexpected delays in regards to the kit, however we expect that this will be back on track shortly.

General updates to DeveryJS have been made, with the overall test coverage of the framework being increased particularly for functions such as metadata. You can view this here: https://github.com/devery/deveryjs/. We’ve also been researching into other Layer 2 technologies associated with Ethereum to further allow potential scaling over the protocol, however this is early stage research and is subject to change.

Stay tuned for our next update, we’ll be releasing our upcoming API application for testnet deployment and open testing.

